Simple python script that fetchs and exports json data for people who wants to use up-to-date university list in Turkey.
You want to use up-to-date university list but can't find it anywhere. Looked for Google and other resources but can't find anything except YÖK own page. Still, there is a problem. You can't download YÖK's list and can't use on your project.
is a very simple solution for fetching
university list in Turkey. You can fetch every university's info with
this little, simple script.
To run this script, you must have python installed on your computer. I create this script with Python v3.7.3. You can go to python download page by clicking here.
First, clone this repository:
$ git clone
$ cd fetch-turkey-universities-json
To install dependencies:
$ pip install -Ur requirements.txt
To run script:
$ python