Simple Prawn-powered ruby script for generating guidelines for Spencerian and Coppeplate penmanship
I'm putting this out AS IS, and while it could use several improvements, I don't have much time for it at the moment.
In order to use it you need a working ruby installation, as well as the Prawn gem to generate PDF files.
The examples folder contains a few pre-generated sheets, in case you don't have a ruby installation handy.
Call as:
./spencerian_guidelines {s|c} x_height slant
For example:
./spencerian_guidelines s 4 52
will produce Spencerian guidelines with a 4mm x-height and 52 degree slant.
./spencerian_guidelines c 6 55
will produce Copperplate-style guidelines with 6mm x-height and 55 degree slant.