Analysis scripts for "The neural representation of personally familiar and unfamiliar faces in the distributed system for face perception"
This repository contains preprocessing and analysis scripts for Visconti di Oleggio Castello, M., Halchenko, Y. O., Guntupalli, J. S., Gors, J. D., & Gobbini, M. I. (2017). The neural representation of personally familiar and unfamiliar faces in the distributed system for face perception. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 12237.
The dataset is available through DataLad. Once datalad is installed in your system, you can get the data with
# install the dataset without downloading any data
datalad install -r ///labs/gobbini/famface
# download the data
datalad get famface
NOTA BENE: The latest release of this dataset is in BIDS format, however the scripts are still configured to run with the old OpenfMRI format. You can checkout the old file structure as follows
cd famface/data
git checkout openfmri-v1.0.0
We recommend using either a NeuroDebian
virtual machine, or a container (Docker or Singularity) with NeuroDebian
installed to replicate these analyses. In particular, the Python scripts
might rely on specific versions of python packages. For example, the
preprocessing script
won't work with newer
versions of Nipype (> 0.11.0) because of recent refactoring. We kept track of the
versions of the most important Python packages in the requirements.txt
file. If you're using conda, you can get started as follows:
conda create --name famface python=2.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
You should also have FSL and ANTs installed.
We provide a Singularity definition file that can be used to build a container with all the necessary packages to run the analyses (except MATLAB--testing in progress with Octave).
Once Singularity is installed on your system, the image can be built as follows (assuming singularity 2.4.x)
sudo singularity build famface.simg Singularity
alternatively, the image can be pulled from Singularity Hub with
singularity pull --name famface.simg shub://mvdoc/famface
Inside the container we provide the mountpoints /data
and /scripts
so for example one could run the preprocessing for one participant as
singularity run -e -c \
-B $PWD:/scripts \
-B /path/to/famface:/data \
famface.simg \
python /scripts/ \
-d /data/data -s sub001 \
--hpfilter 60.0 \
--derivatives \
-o /data/derivatives/output \
-w /data/workdir -p MultiProc
Here we are assuming that /path/to/famface
is the path to the
directory as pulled from datalad, which contains a data
directory. Note that all the paths passed to the script need to be relative to
the filesystem inside the container.
Running the following will instead enter the container for interactive analyses:
singularity run -e -c \
-B $PWD:/scripts \
-B /path/to/famface:/data \
Please note that some paths in the scripts might be hardcoded, so they need to be changed prior to running the scripts.
: nipype pipeline to perform preprocessing (spatial normalization to MNI 2 mm using ANTs, first and second level univariate analysis using FSL). Based on the example with the same name from stock
: script to run a GLM using PyMVPA and Nipy, to extract betas used for multivariate
: script to make a union
: script to stack betas for multivariate analysis
: nipype pipeline to perform third (group) level univariate analysis with FSL. Based on the pipeline provided by Satra Ghosh and Anne Park (our thanks to them!)
: main script to run searchlight
: script to convert PyMVPA datasets into CoSMoMVPA datasets for statistical testing using TFCErun_tfce_mvdoc_fx.m
: script to run TFCE on accuracy maps using
: script to run additional decoding analyses in probabilistic masks of early visual areaspermutation_testing_ev.Rmd
: RMarkdown notebook that plots the results of the analysis in probabilistic masks of early visual areas (see also pre-computed HTML outputpermutation_testing_ev.nb.html
: Jupyter notebook with decoding analysis on features extracted from the HMAX model.hmax_familiarvsunfamiliar-id.Rmd
: RMarkdown notebook used to analyze the decoding of images using HMAX features (see also pre-computed HTML outputhmax_familiarvsunfamiliar-id.nb.html
: notebook used to obtain non-overlapping spherical ROIs in both the task data and the movie hyperaligned
: script to compute first-level cross-validated representational dissimilarity matricesnotebooks/compute_dsmroi_hpal.ipynb
: notebook used to compute the similarity of representational geometries using hyperaligned movie datanotebooks/plot_mds.ipynb
: notebook used to generate MDS and circular graph plots for task and hyperaligned datanotebooks/get_between-within_correlations.ipynb
: notebook used to obtain dataframes with correlations between/within systems for each subject (task data) or pair of subjects (hyperaligned data)mds_betweenwithin_corr.Rmd
: RMarkdown notebook with additional analyses on correlations of RDMS between/within systems (see rendering inmds_betweenwithin_corr.nb.html
: contains functions to run MDS
: to fetch directories used in analysesnotebooks/scatterplots.ipynb
: notebook used to plot scatterplots shown in the supplementary material
- response_reviewers_ev.ipynb: Is the dorsal stream also close to EV areas?
- response_reviewers_modelrsa.ipynb: Can we say more about why the representations differ between areas?
- response_reviewers_similarity_taskmovie.ipynb: How similar are the second-order representational geometries between the task data and the movie data?