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This repo is the base repo to run the mydnshost web infrastructure on a single server. This will allow you to deploy and upgrade all the required containers to have a functioning deployment.

Public-Facing nameservers are deployed using mydnshost-bind


Firstly, you need a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 Install, fully up to date.

Perform all the following steps as root.

Disable systemd-resolved

systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service systemctl stop systemd-resolved

Install deps

apt-get install git

Install Docker

This is based on

apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
apt-get update
apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Install docker-compose

Based on

curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Clone repository

Clone the main infra repo

cd /root
git clone mydnshost

Copy example files to non-example files

The main repo contains a bunch of .example files that need to be copied to non-example files for production use. This is to prevent repo updates from overwriting local changes.

cp bind_rndc.example.conf bind_rndc.conf
cp docker-compose.override.example.yml docker-compose.override.yml
cp rndc_rndc.example.conf rndc_rndc.conf
cp api-config.local.example.php api-config.local.php
cp frontend-config.local.example.php frontend-config.local.php
cp traefik/traefik.example.toml traefik/traefik.toml
cp logstash/logstash.example.conf logstash/logstash.conf

Edit non-example files as needed.

You will need to edit all of the non-example files to suit your deployment.

nano bind_rndc.conf docker-compose.override.yml rndc_rndc.conf api-config.local.php frontend-config.local.php traefik/traefik.toml logstash/logstash.conf

Of note: bind_rndc.conf

  • You will want to update the key used here (and remember it for docker-compose.override.yml and rndc_rndc.conf)


  • You will want to replace somehost with your instance domain name (eg
  • gmworker1 will need SMTP server details given to allow emails to be sent.
  • You will want to ensure the database root password is set.
  • The STATUSCAKE_ and env vars for the maintenance container are used for monitoring, 3rd party deployments can probably leave this alone, so just leave them blank. INFLUX_BIND_SLAVES is used by the gather-statistics cron to pull data from the public-facing servers, format is something like: INFLUX_BIND_SLAVES=ns1=, ns2=, ns3= Leave blank to disable this.
  • bind container needs it's own public IP eg MASTER=; and then the IPs of the public-facing servers as SLAVES=;;;), You will want to ensure you copy the bind rndc key from bind_rndc.conf also.
  • chronograf requires oauth configuration to run otherwise it will refuse to start. See:
  • There are other things you can override based on the docker.compose.yml but the things in this file already are the minimum to get things functional.


  • You will want to update the key used here to the same one used elsewhere


  • The default records here probably need changing, also the slave servers.
  • Other settings (as per config.php in mydnshost/api-base) can be set here also, or overridden with ENV vars in some cases.


  • Nothing needs to go in here unless you wish to override settings from (as per config.php in mydnshost/frontend) in a way that can't be done with ENV vars.


  • Nothing should need changing here.


  • Nothing should need changing here.

Bring services up / Update running services.

Running the following script will bring up all the required containers, and upgrade them as required.


Occasionally you will need to clean up old docker files after a few upgrades to keep disk usage sane:


You can now run docker-compose exec api /dnsapi/admin/createAdmin.php to create your first admin user.

docker-compose exec only works for the first run of the api container, if your api container has updated before you created the admin user or you want to create more from the command line, you can use this instead to run the command in the latest instance of the api container:

docker exec -it $(docker-compose ps api | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $1}') /dnsapi/admin/createAdmin.php

Setting up public slave servers

On fresh ubuntu 20.04 installs, run through the steps up to "Install docker-compose" from above.

Run the following commands:

export MASTER=";"
export SLAVES=";;;"
export STATISTICS=";;;;"

cd /root
git clone
cd mydnshost-bind


docker-compose up -d

Replace the contents of the ENV vars with the same values used for the bind container in docker-compose.override.yml. The STATISTICS var is which hosts are allowed query for statistics, this should at the very least include the IP of the server running the maintenance container.