This example compiles a cpp project into webassembly. The webassembly output can be used as a standalone executable, or you can run the webassembly within your browser.
To build this example run the following commands
- Build Docker Container to build and serve the example
docker build .devcontainer -t webassembly-build:latest
- Build the application:
On Linux
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/data --workdir /data -it webassembly-build:latest /bin/bash -c '${EMSDK}/emsdk activate ${EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION}; source "/opt/emsdk/"; ./'
On Windows
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/data" --workdir /data -it webassembly-build:latest /bin/bash -c '${EMSDK}/emsdk activate ${EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION}; source "/opt/emsdk/"; ./'
To run this example standalone install wasmer
iwr -useb | iex
Then run with the following command the wasm file:
wasmer run build/src/calculator-standalone.wasm
Run the following example:
On Linux
docker run -v $PWD:/data --workdir /data -p 8000:8000 webassembly-build:latest /bin/bash -c '${EMSDK}/emsdk activate ${EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION}; source "/opt/emsdk/"; emrun --no_browser --port 8000 build/src/calculator.html'
On Windows
docker run -v "$(pwd):/data" --workdir /data -p 8000:8000 webassembly-build:latest /bin/bash -c '${EMSDK}/emsdk activate ${EMSCRIPTEN_VERSION}; source "/opt/emsdk/"; emrun --no_browser --port 8000 build/src/calculator.html'
Open the browser and go to: http://localhost:8000/calculator.html
Copy built sources to http/sources folder
cp build/src/calculator-interface.* http/sources
build docker container
docker build http/. -t webserver:latest
run docker container with with webserver
docker run -p 9000:80 webserver:latest
Open the browser and go to: http://localhost:9000
And check the console log