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Agora Electron Quickstart

This tutorial describes how to create an Agora account and build a sample app with Agora using Electron and React.


Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare and build the Agora Electron wrapper.

Create an Account and Obtain an App ID

To build and run the sample application, first obtain an app ID:

  1. Create a developer account at Once you finish the sign-up process, you are redirected to the dashboard.
  2. Navigate in the dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.
  3. Copy the app ID that you obtain from the dashboard into a text file. You will use this when you launch the app.

Update and Run the Sample Application

Open the settings.js file and add the app ID.


  export const APP_ID = ''


The <MY_APP_ID> is the app ID from your Agora dashboard:

  export const APP_ID = '<MY_APP_ID>'  

Run the install command in your project directory:

  # install dependencies
  npm install 

Note: During install, the C++ add-on is downloaded instead of being built.

Use the run dev or run dist command to build the Agora Electron wrapper. To enable dynamic compiling and HMR development, use run dev:

# enable dynamic compiling and HMR developing environment
npm run dev

To build for release, use run dist:

# build for release
npm run dist

Once the build is complete, use the resulting Agora Electron wrapper to build your application.

Steps to Create the Sample

The key code for the sample application is in the App.js file:

Add the Import Statements

Import the required libraries and helper files for the sample application:

Library Descriptions
React, { Component } Enables JSX syntax in ES6 modules
AgoraRtcEngine Agora RTC engine SDK
{ List } Enables use of the list component
{videoProfileList, audioProfileList, audioScenarioList, APP_ID } Constants declared in the settings.js file
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import AgoraRtcEngine from 'agora-electron-sdk';
import { List } from 'immutable';

import {videoProfileList, audioProfileList, audioScenarioList, APP_ID } from '../utils/settings'

Create the Default Class

The default class for the application extends the Component and is named App.

The remaining code in this section is contained within the class declaration.

export default class App extends Component {

Build the Constructor Method

The constructor() method passes in the properties parameter props. This method is called before the view is mounted. Invoke super(props) first, to ensure this.props is defined for the class.

Initialize the Agora RTC engine this.rtcEngine using new AgoraRtcEngine().

The remaining code in this section is contained within the constructor() method.

  constructor(props) {

    this.rtcEngine = new AgoraRtcEngine()

Do one of the following:

  • If the APP_ID is not defined, alert the user that the app ID is missing using alert().

  • If the APP_ID is defined:

    • Initialize the Agora RTC engine using this.rtcEngine.initialize().
    • Set the properties for state.
Property Value Description
local Empty string Local user ID
users new List() List of joined users
channel Empty string Current channel
role 1 Current user's role
videoDevices this.rtcEngine.getVideoDevices() List of available video devices
audioDevices this.rtcEngine.getAudioRecordingDevices() List of available audio devices
audioPlaybackDevices this.rtcEngine.getAudioPlaybackDevices() List of audio playback devices
camera 0 Index of the selected camera
mic 0 Index of the selected microphone
speaker 0 Index of the selected speaker
videoProfile 43 Video profile identifier
    if (!APP_ID) {
      alert('APP_ID cannot be empty!')
    } else {
      this.state = {
        local: '',
        users: new List(),
        channel: '',
        role: 1,
        videoDevices: this.rtcEngine.getVideoDevices(),
        audioDevices: this.rtcEngine.getAudioRecordingDevices(),
        audioPlaybackDevices: this.rtcEngine.getAudioPlaybackDevices(),
        camera: 0,
        mic: 0,
        speaker: 0,
        videoProfile: 43

Add Functionality to componentDidMount

The componentDidMount() is called after the view is mounted in the sample application.

Subscribe to the application event listeners using this.subscribeEvents().

  componentDidMount() {

Create the subscribeEvents Method

The subscribeEvents method adds event listeners to the Agora RTC engine using this.rtcEngine.on():

  subscribeEvents = () => {

The remaining code in this section is contained within the subscribeEvents method.

The joinedchannel Event Listener and Callback

The joinedchannel event listener is triggered when a user joins the channel.

Set the state's local property to uid.

    this.rtcEngine.on('joinedchannel', (channel, uid, elapsed) => {
        local: uid
The userjoined Event Listener and Callback

The userjoined event listener is triggered when a new user joins the current channel.

Add uid to the users list with this.state.users.push() and set its value to the state's users property.

    this.rtcEngine.on('userjoined', (uid, elapsed) => {
        users: this.state.users.push(uid)
The removestream Event Listener and Callback

The removestream event listener is triggered when a user's stream is removed.

Remove uid from the users list with this.state.users.delete() and set its value to the state's users property.

    this.rtcEngine.on('removestream', (uid, reason) => {
        users: this.state.users.delete(this.state.users.indexOf(uid))
The leavechannel Event Listener and Callback

The leavechannel event listener is triggered when a user leaves the current channel.

Set the state's local property to an empty string.

    this.rtcEngine.on('leavechannel', () => {
        local: ''
The audiovolumeindication Event Listener and Callback

The audiovolumeindication event listener is triggered when the volume levels change.

Log the following information using console.log():

Variable Description
uid User ID
volume Current volume
speakerNumber Index of the speaker device
totalVolume Total volume
    this.rtcEngine.on('audiovolumeindication', (
    ) => {
      console.log(`uid${uid} volume${volume} speakerNumber${speakerNumber} totalVolume${totalVolume}`)
The error Event Listener and Callback

The error event listener is triggered when an error occurs in the Agora RTC engine.

Log the error information using console.error():

    this.rtcEngine.on('error', err => {

Create the handleJoin Method

The handleJoin method initializes the Agora RTC engine settings and joins the user to the channel.

The following methods apply the engine's settings:

Method Description
setChannelProfile() Sets the channel profile
setClientRole() Sets the user role
setAudioProfile() Sets the audio profile
enableVideo() Enables video
enableLocalVideo(true) Enables local video
enableWebSdkInteroperability(true) Enables interoperability between the Agora Native SDK and the Agora Web SDK
setVideoProfile() Sets the video profile
enableAudioVolumeIndication() Enables regular volume indication reports to the application

Join the channel using rtcEngine.joinChannel().

  handleJoin = () => {
    let rtcEngine = this.rtcEngine
    rtcEngine.setAudioProfile(0, 1)
    rtcEngine.setVideoProfile(this.state.videoProfile, false)
    rtcEngine.enableAudioVolumeIndication(1000, 3)
    rtcEngine.joinChannel(null,, '',  Number(`${new Date().getTime()}`.slice(7)))

Create the handleCameraChange Method

The handleCameraChange method updates the state's camera property using this.setState().

Retrieve the current video device using this.state.videoDevices[]. Set the video device using this.rtcEngine.setVideoDevice() with the current video device's deviceid.

  handleCameraChange = e => {
    this.setState({camera: e.currentTarget.value});

Create the handleMicChange Method

The handleMicChange method updates the state's mic property using this.setState().

Retrieve the current audio recording device using this.state.audioDevices[]. Set the audio recording device using this.rtcEngine.setAudioRecordingDevice() with the current audio recording device's deviceid.

  handleMicChange = e => {
    this.setState({mic: e.currentTarget.value});

Create the handleSpeakerChange Method

The handleSpeakerChange method updates the state's speaker property using this.setState().

Retrieve the current audio playback device using this.state.audioPlaybackDevices[]. Set the audio playback device using this.rtcEngine.setAudioPlaybackDevice() with the current audio playback device's deviceid.

  handleSpeakerChange = e => {
    this.setState({speaker: e.currentTarget.value});

Create the handleVideoProfile Method

The handleVideoProfile method updates the state's videoProfile property using this.setState():

  handleVideoProfile = e => {
      videoProfile: Number(e.currentTarget.value)

Render the View

The render() method renders the view for the App.

Within the return(), a <div> element is defined with the class name columns and the following properties:

Property Value Description
padding 20px Sets the padding around the element
height 100% Sets the element to full height
margin 0 Sets the margin around the element

The remaining code is contained with the <div> element.

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="columns" style={{padding: "20px", height: '100%', margin: '0'}}>

Build the Form Interface

Add a child <div> element with the class names column and is-one-quarter and an overflowY value of auto.

        <div className="column is-one-quarter" style={{overflowY: 'auto'}}>
Add the Channel Field

Add a <div> element with the class name field.

Within the <div> element:

  1. Add the text Channel in a <label> element with the class name label.
  2. Add a text <input> element wrapped in a <div> element with the class name control.
    • Apply an onChange event listener to update the state's channel property.
    • Set the value property to the state's channel property.
    • Apply the class input.
    • Set the placeholder property to Input a channel name.
          <div className="field">
            <label className="label">Channel</label>
            <div className="control">
              <input onChange={e => this.setState({channel: e.currentTarget.value})} value={} className="input" type="text" placeholder="Input a channel name" />
Add the Role Field

Add a <div> element with the class name field.

Within the <div> element:

  1. Add the text Role wrapped in a <label> element with the class name label.
  2. Add a <select> menu element wrapped in a set of nested <div> elements with the class names control and select.
    • Apply an onChange event listener to update the state's role property.
    • Set the value property to the state's role property.
    • Set the width to 100%.
    • Add two role options Anchor and Audience with the values 1 and 2, respectively.
          <div className="field">
            <label className="label">Role</label>
            <div className="control">
              <div className="select"  style={{width: '100%'}}>
                <select onChange={e => this.setState({role: e.currentTarget.value})} value={this.state.role} style={{width: '100%'}}>
                  <option value={1}>Anchor</option>
                  <option value={2}>Audience</option>
Add the Video Profile Field

Add a <div> element with the class name field.

Within the <div> element:

  1. Add the text VideoProfile wrapped in a <label> element with the class name label.
  2. Add a <select> menu element wrapped in a set of nested <div> elements with the class names control and select.
    • Apply an onChange event listener to invoke the this.handleVideoProfile method.
    • Set the value property to the state's videoProfile property.
    • Set the width to 100%.
    • Loop through the video profile list using, setting the key and value properties to item.value and the label to item.label.
          <div className="field">
            <label className="label">VideoProfile</label>
            <div className="control">
              <div className="select"  style={{width: '100%'}}>
                <select onChange={this.handleVideoProfile} value={this.state.videoProfile} style={{width: '100%'}}>
                  { => (<option key={item.value} value={item.value}>{item.label}</option>))}
Add the Audio Profile Fields

Add a <div> element with the class name field.

Within the <div> element:

  1. Add the text AudioProfile wrapped in a <label> element with the class name label.
  2. Add two <select> menu elements wrapped in a set of nested <div> elements with the class names control and select.

The first <select> menu element controls the audio profiles:

  • Apply an onChange event listener to invoke the this.handleAudioProfile method.
  • Set the value property to the state's audioProfile property.
  • Set the width to 100%.
  • Loop through the audio profile list using, setting the key and value properties to item.value and the label to item.label.

The second <select> menu element controls the audio scenarios:

  • Apply an onChange event listener to invoke the this.handleAudioScenario method.
  • Set the value property to the state's audioScenario property.
  • Set the width to 100%.
  • Loop through the audio scenario list using, setting the key and value properties to item.value and the label to item.label.
          <div className="field">
            <label className="label">AudioProfile</label>
            <div className="control">
              <div className="select"  style={{width: '50%'}}>
                <select onChange={this.handleAudioProfile} value={this.state.audioProfile} style={{width: '100%'}}>
                  { => (<option key={item.value} value={item.value}>{item.label}</option>))}
              <div className="select"  style={{width: '50%'}}>
                <select onChange={this.handleAudioScenario} value={this.state.audioScenario} style={{width: '100%'}}>
                  { => (<option key={item.value} value={item.value}>{item.label}</option>))}
Add the Camera Field

Add a <div> element with the class name field.

Within the <div> element:

  1. Add the text Camera wrapped in a <label> element with the class name label.
  2. Add a <select> menu element wrapped in a set of nested <div> elements with the class names control and select.
    • Apply an onChange event listener to invoke the this.handleCameraChange method.
    • Set the value property to the state's videoProfile property.
    • Set the width to 100%.
    • Loop through the video devices list using, setting the key and value properties to index and the label to item.devicename.
          <div className="field">
            <label className="label">Camera</label>
            <div className="control">
              <div className="select"  style={{width: '100%'}}>
                <select onChange={this.handleCameraChange} value={} style={{width: '100%'}}>
                  {, index) => (<option key={index} value={index}>{item.devicename}</option>))}
Add the Microphone Field

Add a <div> element with the class name field.

Within the <div> element:

  1. Add the text Microphone wrapped in a <label> element with the class name label.
  2. Add a <select> menu element wrapped in a set of nested <div> elements with the class names control and select.
    • Apply an onChange event listener to invoke the this.handleMicChange method.
    • Set the value property to the state's mic property.
    • Set the width to 100%.
    • Loop through the audio devices list using, setting the key and value properties to index and the label to item.devicename.
          <div className="field">
            <label className="label">Microphone</label>
            <div className="control">
              <div className="select"  style={{width: '100%'}}>
                <select onChange={this.handleMicChange} value={this.state.mic} style={{width: '100%'}}>
                  {, index) => (<option key={index} value={index}>{item.devicename}</option>))}
Add the Speaker Field

Add a <div> element with the class name field.

Within the <div> element:

  1. Add the text Loudspeaker wrapped in a <label> element with the class name label.
  2. Add a <select> menu element wrapped in a set of nested <div> elements with the class names control and select.
    • Apply an onChange event listener to invoke the this.handleSpeakerChange method.
    • Set the value property to the state's speaker property.
    • Set the width to 100%.
    • Loop through the audio playback devices list using, setting the key and value properties to index and the label to item.devicename.
          <div className="field">
            <label className="label">Loudspeaker</label>
            <div className="control">
              <div className="select"  style={{width: '100%'}}>
                <select onChange={this.handleSpeakerChange} value={this.state.speaker} style={{width: '100%'}}>
                  {, index) => (<option key={index} value={index}>{item.devicename}</option>))}
Add the Join Button

Add a <div> element with the class names field, is-grouped, and is-grouped-right.

Within the <div> element, add another <div> element with the class name <control>.

Add a <button> element with the class names button and is-link in the nested <div> elements. Add an onClick handler to the button to invoke this.handleJoin.

          <div className="field is-grouped is-grouped-right">
            <div className="control">
              <button onClick={this.handleJoin} className="button is-link">Join</button>

Build the Form Interface

Add a child <div> element with the class names column, is-three-quarters, and window-container.

Loop through the users list using For each user, add a <Window> element with the following properties:

Property Description
key String attribute for the list
uid User ID
rtcEngine Agora RTC engine
local Indicates if the user is local

Determine if the current user is local using this.state.local. If the current user is local, add a <Window> element with the same properties as the users list <Window> elements, excluding the key property.

        <div className="column is-three-quarters window-container">
          {, key) => (
            <Window key={key} uid={item} rtcEngine={this.rtcEngine} local={false}></Window>
          {this.state.local ? (<Window uid={this.state.local} rtcEngine={this.rtcEngine} local={true}>

          </Window>) : ''}

Create the Window Class

The Window class extends the Component class and manages the contents in the browser window.

The constructor() method passes in the properties parameter props. This method is called before the Window view is mounted. Invoke super(props) first, to ensure this.props is defined for the class.

The remaining code in this section is contained within the class declaration.

class Window extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      loading: false

The componentDidMount() is called after the view is mounted.

Initialize a local variable dom with the object with the element ID video-${this.props.uid}.

  • If the local property and dom are valid, set up the local video with the dom using this.props.rtcEngine.setupLocalVideo().
  • If the local property is invalid and dom is valid, subscribe the user to the Agora RTC engine using this.props.rtcEngine.subscribe().
  componentDidMount() {
    let dom = document.querySelector(`#video-${this.props.uid}`)
    if (this.props.local) {
      dom && this.props.rtcEngine.setupLocalVideo(dom)
    } else {
      dom && this.props.rtcEngine.subscribe(this.props.uid, dom)

The render() method renders the view for the Window.

Within the return(), a <div> element is defined with the class name window-item.

Add a secondary <div> element with the id value of 'video-' + this.props.uid and class name video-item.

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="window-item">
        <div className="video-item" id={'video-' + this.props.uid}></div>




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Quickstart for Agora Electron SDK(Windows/macOS)







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