# import generate_nvram_bin_file function to shell
source "virtualbox-generate-nvram-bin-file.sh"
# execute function
generate_nvram_bin_file "${name}" "${data}" "${guid}"
# nvramgen is a short alias for generate_nvram_bin_file
nvramgen "${name}" "${data}" "${guid}"
>= 4.3, coreutils
, xxd
, gzip
generate_nvram_bin_file "system-id" "hAA" "7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82"
nvramgen "lang" "$(printf 'en:us' | xxd -p)" "aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899"
Load the generated binary files into VirtualBox VM NVRAM with the builtin command dmpstore
in the VM EFI Internal Shell, for example dmpstore -all -l fs0:\system-id.bin
DmpStore source code is available at the VirtualBox code repository, mirrored here.