Full example application showing how to display an RTSP stream from a Nabto Edge enabled device using the Nabto Edge Client SDK for iOS.
Precompiled version is not yet available.
You must download and install GStreamer package. Choose a version from https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/pkg/ios/. The latest version that's been verified to work with this app is 1.22.0. GStreamer should by default be installed to ~/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk
The app installs dependencies through Cocoapod, so to build and run, perform the following steps:
Install dependencies:
$ pod install
(see https://www.cocoapods.org for info on installation of the pod tool). -
Open the generated workspace in XCode and work from there:
open NabtoEdgeVideo.xcworkspace
The GStreamer package does as of writing not support M1 simulator builds. So either run on a physical iOS device. Or start XCode through Rosetta, this will build for and launch an x86_64 simulator instead of an arm64 based one.
In case of questions or problems, please write to [email protected] or contact us through the live chat on www.nabto.com.