- nodejs
- ruby 2.0 but should work with 1.9 syntax
- cmake
for mysql w/o local mysql on os x
- homebrew then run
brew install mysql-connector-c
- Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Font Awesome
- Rails 4.1.0.beta1
- sqlite3
- Simple Form
Authors Note: In the spirit of OpenSource, some of the code in this app was "borrowed" from code published on the web and from the awesome project Gitlab.
The Gitlab stuff is for GFM Markdown. The other stuff I probably just learned along the way.
You should rename the following to .rb and modify to suit your deploy.
config/deploy/production.template --> config/deploy/production.rb
config/deploy.template --> config/deploy.rb
Good luck!
P.S. If you fork and modify please give the changes back for all to benefit!
By default we're using Puma. To start the server
bundle exec rails s Puma