The available pre build images are:
- contains all elements to build any image. Important: the size of this container is very large, if you are interested only in building one of the image, you better need to une one of the following dedicated image
- contains all elements to build any ESP32 image
- contains all elements to build any ESP32 image
- contains all elements to build any ESP32 image
- contains all elements to build any Azure RTOS based image
- contains all elements to build a firmware image for any of the targets. Important: the size of this container is very large, if you are interested only in building targets on a single platform, you're better using one of the following images specific to that platform.
- contains all elements to build a firmware image for any of the ChibiOS targets
- contains all elements to build a firmware image for any of the TI SimpleLink targets
- contains all elements to build a firmware image for any of the ESP32 targets
- contains all elements to build a firmware image for any of the Azure RTOS targets
To choose the dev container you want to use, adjust devcontainer.json
and change the "dockerFile": "Dockerfile"
elements for the image you'd liked to use:
to use the pre build container with all the elements to build all the images -
to use the pre build container with all the elements to build a firmware image for any of the targets -
to use the pre build container with all the elements to build Azure RTOSbased devicestargets -
to use the pre build container with all the elements to build ChibiOSbased devicestargets -
to use the pre build container with all the elements to build ESP32based devicestargets -
to use the pre build container with all the elements to build TIbased devicesSimpleLink targets -
tousebuild the container image from the source with all the elements to build all the images -
tousebuild the container image from the source with all the elements to build Azure RTOS based devices -
tousebuild the container image from the source with all the elements to build ChibiOS based devices -
tousebuild the container image from the source with all the elements to build ESP32 based devices -
tousebuild the container image from the source with all the elements to build TI SimpleLink based devices