Unity Multiplayer (UNET) - Transport Layer API [C#][Stream VOD] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGkkaNkq8co by Michael Doyon
- step 1): initiate the
Network Transport Layer
- step 2): two different pathways ✓
- step 3): open another socket once client connects.
- option 1) sync action -- this video
- option 2) async action
- connection needs to be maintained generally.
- ask yourself: 'does the receiver really need that info?' ✓
- different code pathways execute: depending if you are the client or server. ✓
- check every single frame if messages were sent. ✓
- types of messages (only four): 1) nothing, 2) connected, 3) data, 4) disconnect.
sockets: (used to) send data back and forth.
sockets: (used to) open a connection "between the client and the game."
host: defined on BOTH the client and the server. ✓
host: Starting a “Host” == Opening a Socket. ✓
Network Transport Layer.
reliable vs unreliable ✓
client: will connects with a simply line of code.
server: will wait for a connection and wait for messages.
LLAPI: Low-Level API (Unity-specific).
UNET: peer-to-peer (Unity-specific).
will receive packets.
plususing UnityEngine.UI;
to refer to editor hierarchy > Canvas > InputField > text object.
-- what are the differences, or when to care to use Fixed?private void Start()
-- what benefit does limiting access modifier to private scope give us on Unity's MonoBehavior's methods, since they're only known via reflection.
✓ (checkmark) -- understand reason why.
CAPITALS -- personal emphasis.
-- tech keyword i want to emphasize.