"ImageStats" is a web-based tool to collect facial and skin annotations from images. The collected data is used as established ground truth information to develop and improve face-detection and face-matching algorithms. It is developed at National Library of Medicine (NLM) to help R&D in the field of image processing.
During Dec 2012-Jan 2013, a public-facing instance of this tool was used by students in the "Google code In" (GCI) contest to annotate face photos. The description of these tasks, at http://wiki.sahanafoundation.org/doku.php/agasti:vesuvius:gci2012:annotation demonstrates much of the functionality of the tool. GCI annotators were organized through Sahana Software Foundation, with mentors at NLM.
ImageStats was rapid-prototyped from a number of open source components, among them Vesuvius, GWT, GXT, GWT-Graphics, Tomcat, Mysql, and SOLR. The instance is hosted and managed using NLM Vesuvius/PL infrastructure. Current thinking is that ImageStats is overly complicated in structures and dependencies, and might be fruitfully reimplemented in a simpler manner, a possible Google Summer of Code 2013 project.
The ImageStats project, including source code and this README file, is available through github.
The tool is a Google Web Toolkit application using the following open source technologies:
- Sahana Software Foundation's Vesuvius 0.9x: https://launchpad.net/vesuvius
- Google Web Toolkit 2.4.0: https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/
- Sencha GXT 3.0: http://www.sencha.com/products/gxt/
- Gwt-graphics 1.0.0: http://vaadin.com/directory#addon/7
- JavaCV 0.1: http://code.google.com/p/javacv/
- OpenCV 2.4.1: http://opencv.org
- SOLR 4.0: http://lucene.apache.org/solr/
- MySQL 5.5: http://www.mysql.com
- Apache Tomcat 7.0.32: http://tomcat.apache.org/
- gson 2.2.1: http://code.google.com/p/google-gson/
- Running instance of Vesuvius.
- Download Vesuvius from Sahana Software Foundation. The package Includes PL webserver and a backend mysql server. Use provided table schemas to create 'imagestats' and 'image_search' tables in mysql server.
- Running instance of PL SOLR.
- Download and install SOLR 4.0. Use included schema.xml and solrConfig.xml to create imagestats core in SOLR. A data import file db-data-config.xml is also included in the package to import PL data into SOLR.
- Apache Tomcat 7.0.33
- ImageStats is a servlet (.war) tested with tomcat.
- User should Include mysql5.5 jdbc connector in TOMCAT_HOME/lib directory.
- Use optional Realm defined in servlet's context.xml for any user authentication. A default tomcat_users database schema is included in the package.
- GWT 2.4.0: If using Eclipse IDE, install the eclipse-gwt plugin.
- Sencha GXT (Extended GWT) 3.0: An extended library to GWT. Most of the widgets in the application use GXT.
- GWT-Graphics 1.0.0: Another GWT extension library to support drawing based on SVG.
- OpenCV/JavaCV: An image processing library. OpenCV should be installed on the host system. JavaCV is a wrapper over OpenCV for java applications. Used by ImageStats to export IplImage data structure.
- Gson 1.0.0: Library to manipulate JSON output from PL SOLR.