An E-Commere Shopping App selling pc-console games
Shop Arena is an Android application designed to provide a seamless shopping experience for video game enthusiasts. Users can browse a wide selection of games, add them to their cart, and proceed with their transactions
- Language: Kotlin
- Framework: Android Jetpack Compose
- Image Loading: Glide
- Asynchronous Programming: Coroutines, Kotlin Flows
- Android Architecture Components: MVVM, ViewModel
- Local Preferences: DataStore
- Backend Environment: Firebase (Firestore, Storage)
- Authentication: Firebase Auth( OTP ), Database Password
- Http Requests: Retrofit
- Push Notification: FCM( FirebaseCloudMessaging ), Ktor Backend server ( For upstream Messaging )
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Build and run the project on an emulator or actual device
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.# E-Commerce-compose