This project is a calculator with 10 digits.
It is a demonstration of a Python Flask web app put in a Docker image.
- Python file to run to start the Flask app
- templates: Directory for HTML files used by the Flask app
- templates/index.html: HTML file which contains the GUI of the calculator
- The code for the calculator
- requirements.txt: List of Python packages necessary to install before the Python app can run (i.e. the Flask package)
- Dockerfile: Configuration file for creating the Docker image
- .gitignore: Tells Git to ignore
directory - This README file which describes the project
These commands have been tested with Docker Desktop for Windows.
They require Docker Desktop to be running and are to be typed in a terminal window (e.g. Command Prompt or PowerShell).
Build Docker image (terminal must be in root directory of project):
docker build --tag calculator_image .
Create Docker container from image and tell it to use port 5001:
docker create --name calculator_container -p 5001:5001 calculator_image
Start Docker container:
docker start calculator_container
Open a browser to use the Flask app:
"http://localhost:5001" or ""
Stop Docker container:
docker stop calculator_container
Save Docker image to tar file (terminal must be in directory where file should be saved):
docker save -o calculator_image.tar calculator_image
Load Docker image from tar file (terminal must be in directory where file is located):
docker load -i calculator_image.tar