This repo holds a implementation of a distributed graph processing algorithm finding a solution to graph coloring problem. The minimum number of colors required to properly color a graph is called chromatic number of that graph. Finding the chromatic number of a graph is a well-known NP-Hard problem. Furthermore, it is not possible to approximate the chromatic number of a graph into a considerable bound.
In this example, we use a polynomial-time approximation using the Local Maxima First algorithm. In addition, Apache Spark framework and specifically GraphFrames library used to implement and execute the algorithm (described below) that computes a solution to the graph coloring problem and associates each node with a number representing the color that should be used.
Follows the Pregel-like pseudocode of Local Maxima First algorithm.
Set Maxima = true;
if superstep == 0 then
Set Vertex.Value = -1;
Send Vertex.Id to all neighbors;
if Vertex.Value == -1 then
foreach msg ∈ Messages do
if Vertex.Id < msg then
Set Maxima = false;
if Maxima==true then
Set Vertex.Value = superstep;
Send Vertex.Id to all neighbors;
You can run and experiment locally with the Local Maxima First algorithm executing the script on the provided Vagrant environment using the following commands.
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
# Using default input graph
$ ~/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --packages graphframes:graphframes:0.7.0-spark2.3-s_2.11 /vagrant/
# Or using different input files
$ ~/spark-2.4.7-bin-hadoop2.7/bin/spark-submit --packages graphframes:graphframes:0.7.0-spark2.3-s_2.11 /vagrant/ -v {path-to-vertices.csv} -e {path-to-edges.csv}
$ vagrant halt
The default input graph (G=(V, E)) is providing by the vertices.csv and edges.csv files located under the corresponding /csv folder.
By finishing the execution of the algorithm you will receive the final GraphFrame output.
| id| localMaxima|
| 7| [7, 2, true, 7]|
| 11|[11, 1, true, 7]|
| 3| [3, 1, true, 7]|
| 8| [8, 1, true, 7]|
| 5| [5, 4, true, 7]|
| 6| [6, 3, true, 7]|
| 9| [9, 1, true, 7]|
| 1| [1, 6, true, 7]|
| 10|[10, 2, true, 7]|
| 4| [4, 5, true, 7]|
| 2| [2, 2, true, 7]|
Each node of the graph contains a dictionary with the following structure.
"id" => The id of the node,
"color" => The color of the node. Initial value -1 (no color),
"maxima" => Indicates if the node is the maxima of its neighborhood. Initial value False,
"step" => The Step of the algorithm
This work inspired by the GraphFrames-aggregateMessages repository.