Explore Corgis when you first see this!
node and npm
near shell
Install with
npm i -g near-cli
3.(optional) install yarn to build
npm i -g yarn
You need to install Rustup in order to compile Rust contracts. See the official guide on how to set up Rust in your local environment.
By installing rustup
, you will add the Rust compiler and the cargo
package manager to your system.
The NEAR platform leverage the use of WASM to execute smart contracts. Thus, in order to build a suitable binary for the NEAR platform, we must install the wasm32 target:
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
Step 1: Create account for the contract.
In the terminal
near login
click the link and create your own contract ID on NEAR Testnet
After you see the context, "Logged in as [ YOUR_NAME ] with public key [ ed25519:XXXXXX... ] successfully", you are done.
Step 2: Deploy the contract on the account
Set the following environment variable
Alternatively, modify src/config.js line that sets the contractName. Set it with Id from step 1.
const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || "new-corgis"; /* TODO: fill this in! */
Step 3:
(For Mac and Ubuntu): Finally, run the command in your terminal.
npm install && npm run start
with yarn:
yarn install && yarn start
(For Windows):
yarn install
yarn start
The server that starts is for static assets and by default serves them to localhost:1234. Navigate there in your browser to see the app running!
for the contract codesrc/index.html
for the front-end HTMLsrc/main.js
for the JavaScript front-end code and how to integrate contractssrc/app.js
for the first react component
For information about the contract, see contract/README.md.
Step 1: Get nearcore
Step 2:
Use command ./scripts/start_localnet.py --local
to start the local node
Step 3: Install serve with:
npm i serve
Use command serve src -p 3000
to start on localhost:3000
Step 4: Start frontend with command:
NODE_ENV=local yarn start
Now, open localhost:3000. Navigate there in your browser to see the app running!
Step 5: Use wallet/login/index.html to create account and start exploring.