- Evault is a web3 website that helps the users for managing their Legal Records using Ethereum Blockchain.
Frontend - Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Etherjs, Three.js
Backend and Blockchain -Nodejs(Express.js), MongoDB, Solidity, Hardhat, IPFS, Open Zepplin, Sepolia Ethereum, Pinata.
Backend Creation : using nodejs(expressjs) and mongoDB RESTful route and jwt authentication is implemented to authenticate add the user details and fetch the user details to frontend.
ERC721 NFT Creation : Using hardhat we create a Dev ENV to configure networks and then with Solidity with the ERC721 standard a NFT contract is created which will be minted by metadata attached to it .(enable digital sign for legal Doc)
Frontend : Using the Nextjs and Tailwind CSS a interactive frontend is created which includes the Landing page containing all the details . A User friendly dashboard is created to upload , view, share , verify the tokens which is secured by OAuth Authentication.
Frontend Integrations: Using the pinata service a ipfs hash will be created then using the hash and details of user like address with etherjs library a NFT will be minted with the Digital Signature.
To Get to know the Detailed presentation of the project you can view the below link.
git clone https://github.com/neelamnagarajgithub/Evault_Hackprix
cd Evault
- client
npm install
- server
npm install
- root
npm i @openzepplin/contracts hardhat @nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox
npm run dev
npm run start
npx hardhat node
npm run deploy_localhost
npm run deploy_sepolia
The ERC721 NFT Contract is created at the address