Provides rake tasks for saving Pages, Snippets and Layouts from the database to the file system, and loading them back into the DB again.
This opens up the possibility of placing a Radiant site under version control. It also allows you to edit a site using a text editor, rather than going through the Radiant admin in your browser.
This extension is hosted on github. If you have git installed, then ‘cd` to the root of your radiant project and issue this command:
git clone git:// vendor/extensions/file_system
If you don’t have git, then you can instead download the tarball from this URL:
and expand the contents to ‘your-radiant-project/vendor/extensions/file_system`.
It is important that the file_system extension loads after all of your other extensions. Open your ‘config/environment.rb` file, and search for `config.extensions`. Make sure that it is not commented out, then edit it to read:
config.extensions = [ :all, :file_system ]
To save your site to the file system, run the following command:
rake file_system:to_files
This saves the Layouts, Snippets, and Pages with Parts following this convention:
design \_ layouts \_ Normal.html \_ Stylesheet.css \_ XML Feed.html \_ pages \_ about \_ about.yaml \_ body.textile \_ sidebar.textile \_ body.html \_ pages.yaml \_ sidebar.markdown ... \_ snippets \_ footer.html \_ header.textile
Each Page is represented by a directory whose name matches the page’s slug. Within that directory, a yaml file (also named after the page slug) contains attributes of that page, such as the title
, breadcrumb
, layout
and so on. The page directory also includes a file for each Page Part associated with the Page.
For Snippets and Page Parts, the file extension stands for the filter. So header.textile
will be passed through a Textile filter, whereas footer.html
will not be passed through any filter.
For Layouts, the file extension translates to the content type. The following is a list of recognised file extensions, and their corresponding content types:
.html => "text/html" .css => "text/css" .xml => "application/xml" .rss => "application/rss+xml" .txt => "text/plain" .js => "text/javascript" .yaml => "text/x-yaml" .atom => "application/atom+xml"
To load your site from the file system back into the database, run the following command:
rake file_system:to_db
Any changes you have made to the files since saving them to the file system will now be transferred into the database. When running this command, the cache is also cleared, so that your changes will be visible immediately.
The following commands have aliases:
rake file_system:to_files rake db:to_fs rake file_system:to_db rake fs:to_db
Also, note that this extension provides a rake task for clearing the cache: rake cache:clear
The file_system extension was originally conceived and designed by Sean Cribbs. It is now maintained by Andrew Neil. Contributions have been made by Jim Gay and Brian Landau.