Releases: nerdonthestreet/OcIrcBridge
OcIrcBridge - Build 029
OcIrcBridge - Build 029
This is a relatively major update with a number of new features:
- The numeric member ID of the Composr bot is now configurable.
- Messages from IRC to Composr now have a username prefix (Composr to IRC messages already had a prefix.)
- Connections to IRC now use SSL/TLS.
- The IRC port is now configurable.
- The IRC bot now automatically reconnects if the connection is lost (i.e. the IRC server is restarted.)
has been updated, addressing a minor security vulnerability.
These improvements are not only useful for NOTS, but make the bot more suitable for usage outside of NOTS as well.
Download the .jar file and the skeleton config. Fill out the skeleton config. (See the README for the background requirements.) Run in Java with the following command:
java -jar ./OcIrcBridge-029.jar ./OcIrcBridge-properties-029.config
...where "./OcIrcBridge029.jar" is the path to the JAR file and "./OcIrcBridge-properties-029.config" is the path to the config file.
OcIrcBridge - Build 012
OcIrcBridge - Build 012
This is the first public release of OcIrcBridge! The bot is fully usable and configurable. (Notably, the Composr section of the bot will check to see if it's logged in before posting a message, and will re-login if necessary, avoiding "guest posts" if your authentication token times out.) Suggestions and feature requests are welcome.
Download the .jar file and the skeleton config. Fill out the skeleton config. (See the README for the background requirements.) Run in Java with the following command:
java -jar ./OcIrcBridge-012.jar ./OcIrcBridge-properties-012.config
...where "./OcIrcBridge012.jar" is the path to the JAR file and "./OcIrcBridge-properties-012.config" is the path to the config file.
Versioning scheme
The OcIrcBridge versioning scheme will use simple build numbers-- the number will increment by 1 for every build. In the course of development, I may make several builds for testing before pushing any code. If you see gaps in the release versions here on GitHub, it just means other builds were created in between public "releases."