For moving shit around Kafka
A tool to manage Kafka fan-in and fan-out operations via the command line.
kfan [flags]
-c, --broadcast Broadcast strategy (default true)
-b, --brokers string Kafka brokers if applicable to both 'in' and 'out' (default "localhost:9092")
-t, --from-tail Start from the tail of the topic (use 'latest' instead of 'earliest')
-g, --group string Consumer group ID (default "kfan-group")
-h, --help help for kfan
-i, --in string Comma-separated inputs -- (broker?):topic(#consumer-group?) or 'std:in'
-o, --out string Comma-separated inputs -- (broker?):topic or 'std:out', 'std:out+headers'
-r, --round-robin Round-robin strategy