The Basecamp SDK for PHP enables PHP developers to easily integrate 37signals Basecamp all new API into their applications.
NOTE: This library is under heavy development and a lot of calls haven't been implemented yet. We're looking forward to any of your PR's.
We recommend Composer for managing dependencies. Installing is as easy as:
$ php composer.phar require netvlies/basecamp-php
To use the library the only requirement is you have a account. Upon creating the client you have to pass your credentials or an OAuth token. Furthermore you need your userId to construct the URI's.
$client = \Basecamp\BasecampClient::factory(array(
'auth' => 'http',
'username' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'secret',
'user_id' => 99999999,
'app_name' => 'My Wicked Application',
'app_contact' => ''
This library doesn't handle the OAuth authorization process for you. There are already a lot of libraries out there which handle this process perfectly for you. When you recieved your token you'll have to pass it on to the client:
$client = \Basecamp\BasecampClient::factory(array(
'auth' => 'oauth',
'token' => 'Wtj4htewhtuewhuoitewh',
'user_id' => 99999999,
'app_name' => 'My Wicked Application',
'app_contact' => ''
It is required to identify you application. This can be accomplished by using app_name
and app_contact
This client is build upon the shoulders of the impressive Guzzle library. If you're willing to contribute to this client, make sure to check out the docs.
It is required to implement caching in your application. Lucky for you, using Guzzle this is peanuts! Please refer to the official docs for more information.
Here's a quick example using the Doctrine cache:
use Basecamp\BasecampClient;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\FilesystemCache;
use Guzzle\Cache\DoctrineCacheAdapter;
use Guzzle\Plugin\Cache\CachePlugin;
$cachePlugin = new CachePlugin(array(
'adapter' => new DoctrineCacheAdapter(new FilesystemCache(__DIR__.'/../../../../app/cache/basecamp'))
$this->client = BasecampClient::factory(array(
// config options
All services are documented below. View full service description in src/Basecamp/Resources/service.php
$response = $client->getArchivedProjects();
$response = $client->getProjects();
$response = $client->getProject( array(
'id' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
) );
$response = $client->getDocumentsByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
) );
$response = $client->getDocument( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
'documentId' => 1234567, // Required. Document ID
) );
$response = $client->getTopicsByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
) );
$response = $client->getTodolistsByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
) );
$response = $client->getAssignedTodolistsByPerson( array(
'personId' => 1234567, // Required. Person id
'page' => 1234567, // Optional. The page to retrieve. API returns 50 todos per page.
'due_since' => 'example', // Optional. Will return all the to-do lists with to-dos assigned to the specified person due after the date specified. (format: 2012-03-24T11:00:00-06:00)
) );
$response = $client->getCompletedTodolistsByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
) );
$response = $client->getCompletedTodosByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
) );
$response = $client->createProject( array(
'name' => 'Example name', // Required.
'description' => 'Example description', // Required.
) );
$response = $client->createDocument( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
'title' => 'example', // Required.
'content' => 'Example content', // Required.
) );
$response = $client->createTodolistByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'name' => 'Example name', // Required.
'description' => 'Example description', // Required.
) );
$response = $client->createTodoByTodolist( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'todolistId' => 1234567, // Required. Todo list id
'content' => 'Example content', // Required.
'assignee' => array( 'id' => 1234567, 'type' => 'Person' ), // Optional.
) );
$response = $client->createCommentByTodo( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'todoId' => 1234567, // Required. Todo id
'content' => 'Example content', // Required.
'attachments' => array( array( 'token' => $upload_token, 'name' => 'file.jpg' ) ), // Optional.
) );
$response = $client->getAttachmentsByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
) );
$response = $client->createAttachment( array(
'mimeType' => 'image/jpeg', // Required. The content type of the data
'data' => file_get_contents( 'image.jpg' ), // Required. The attachment's binary data
) );
$response = $client->getTodolist( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'todolistId' => 1234567, // Required. Todolist id
) );
$response = $client->getTodo( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'todoId' => 1234567, // Required. Todo id
) );
$response = $client->updateTodo( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'todoId' => 1234567, // Required. Todo id
'content' => 'Example content', // Optional.
'due_at' => 'example', // Optional.
'assignee' => array( 'id' => 1234567, 'type' => 'Person' ), // Optional.
'completed' => 'example', // Optional.
) );
$response = $client->getCurrentUser();
$response = $client->getSpecificUser( array(
'personId' => 1234567, // Required. Person id
) );
$response = $client->getGlobalEvents( array(
'since' => '2012-03-24T11:00:00-06:00', // Optional. All events since given datetime (format: 2012-03-24T11:00:00-06:00)
'page' => 1234567, // Optional. The page to retrieve. API returns 50 events per page.
) );
$response = $client->getProjectEvents( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'since' => '2012-03-24T11:00:00-06:00', // Optional. All events since given datetime (format: 2012-03-24T11:00:00-06:00)
) );
$response = $client->getAccessesByProject( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
) );
$response = $client->getAccessesByCalendar( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
) );
$response = $client->getPeople();
$response = $client->getGroups();
$response = $client->grantAccess( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'ids' => '', // Required. Existing user ids
'email_addresses' => 'example', // Optional. Grant access to new users
) );
$response = $client->getCalendars();
$response = $client->getCalendar( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
) );
$response = $client->createCalendar( array(
'name' => 'Example name', // Required.
) );
$response = $client->updateCalendar( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
'name' => 'Example name', // Required.
) );
$response = $client->deleteCalendar( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
) );
$response = $client->getAllCalendarEvents( array(
'start_date' => 'example', // Optional. Will return 6 weeks worth of events after the start date if the end date is not supplied (format: 2015-09-15)
'end_date' => 'example', // Optional. Will return 6 weeks worth of events after the start date if the end date is not supplied (format: 2015-09-15)
) );
$response = $client->getCalendarEvents( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
'start_date' => 'example', // Optional. Will return 6 weeks worth of events after the start date if the end date is not supplied (format: 2015-09-15)
'end_date' => 'example', // Optional. Will return 6 weeks worth of events after the start date if the end date is not supplied (format: 2015-09-15)
) );
$response = $client->getCalendarEventsPast( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
) );
$response = $client->getCalendarEvent( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
'eventId' => 1234567, // Required. Event id
) );
$response = $client->createCalendarEvent( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
'summary' => 'example', // Required. Event Summary / title
'description' => 'Example description', // Optional. Event Description
'starts_at' => 'example', // Required. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event starts at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'ends_at' => 'example', // Optional. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event ends at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'remind_at' => 'example', // Optional. Datetime to remind subscribers about the event via email (format: 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'subscribers' => '', // Optional. Array of user id's to subscribe to the event.
'recurring' => '', // Optional. Array of recurring parrameters - starts_at, frequency, count, until, excluding
'all_day' => '', // Optional. Is the event a full day event?
) );
$response = $client->updateCalendarEvent( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
'eventId' => 1234567, // Required. Event id
'summary' => 'example', // Optional. Event Summary / title
'description' => 'Example description', // Optional. Event Description
'starts_at' => 'example', // Optional. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event starts at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'ends_at' => 'example', // Optional. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event ends at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'remind_at' => 'example', // Optional. Datetime to remind subscribers about the event via email (format: 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'subscribers' => '', // Optional. Array of user id's to subscribe to the event.
'recurring' => '', // Optional. Array of recurring parrameters - starts_at, frequency, count, until, excluding
'all_day' => '', // Optional. Is the event a full day event?
) );
$response = $client->deleteCalendarEvent( array(
'calendarId' => 1234567, // Required. Calendar id
'eventId' => 1234567, // Required. Event id
) );
$response = $client->getProjectCalendarEvents( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
'start_date' => 'example', // Optional. Will return 6 weeks worth of events after the start date if the end date is not supplied (format: 2015-09-15)
'end_date' => 'example', // Optional. Will return 6 weeks worth of events after the start date if the end date is not supplied (format: 2015-09-15)
) );
$response = $client->getProjectCalendarEventsPast( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project ID
) );
$response = $client->getProjectCalendarEvent( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'eventId' => 1234567, // Required. Event id
) );
$response = $client->createProjectCalendarEvent( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'summary' => 'example', // Required. Event Summary / title
'description' => 'Example description', // Optional. Event Description
'starts_at' => 'example', // Required. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event starts at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'ends_at' => 'example', // Optional. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event ends at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'remind_at' => 'example', // Optional. Datetime to remind subscribers about the event via email (format: 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'subscribers' => '', // Optional. Array of user id's to subscribe to the event.
'recurring' => '', // Optional. Array of recurring parrameters - starts_at, frequency, count, until, excluding
'all_day' => '', // Optional. Is the event a full day event?
) );
$response = $client->updateProjectCalendarEvent( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'eventId' => 1234567, // Required. Event id
'summary' => 'example', // Optional. Event Summary / title
'description' => 'Example description', // Optional. Event Description
'starts_at' => 'example', // Optional. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event starts at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'ends_at' => 'example', // Optional. Date (and time if not an all day event) that the event ends at (format: 2015-09-15 or 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'remind_at' => 'example', // Optional. Datetime to remind subscribers about the event via email (format: 2015-09-15T11:50:00-05:00)
'subscribers' => '', // Optional. Array of user id's to subscribe to the event.
'recurring' => '', // Optional. Array of recurring parrameters - starts_at, frequency, count, until, excluding
'all_day' => '', // Optional. Is the event a full day event?
) );
$response = $client->deleteProjectCalendarEvent( array(
'projectId' => 1234567, // Required. Project id
'eventId' => 1234567, // Required. Event id
) );
The following service operations are not (yet) covered by unit tests:
- updateTodo
- grantAccess
- updateCalendar
- deleteCalendar
- updateCalendarEvent
- deleteCalendarEvent
- updateProjectCalendarEvent
- deleteProjectCalendarEvent