This repo holds the algorithm development for modeling TMS data with Gaussian processes and use active learning to select optimum locations for the next stimulation.
- Implementation of papers:
- python 3.9.6
- numpy 1.20.3
- pandas 1.3.3
- scikit-learn 1.0
- data:
5 Subjects each with 3 maps (GRID,RAND,USER)
GRID MAP: 49 locations with 6 stimulations at each location (294 total stimulation) USER MAP: center + 4 corners defined remaining 289 stimulations chosen with user expertise (294 total stimulations) RANDOM MAP: center + 4 corners defined remaining 289 stimulations chosen from a uniform random distirubution (294 stimulations total)
Each data file (ie AS_3MAPS.mat) contains: NavDataGRID: xyz data of grid locations (cm) MEPampGRID: amplitude at each grid location (uV) NavDataRAND: xyz data of rand locations (cm) MEPampRAND: amplitude at each rand location (uV) NavDataUSER: xyz data of user locations (cm) MEPampUSER: amplitude at each user location (uV)
Note: No thresholding has been done on data.
Note: Some data sets will contain less than 294 stimulations. Stimulations were removed for poor coil location, subject head movement, etc
There is a figure provided showing maps for each subject
Code: "MEPmapInterpWithOutcomes.m"
Inputs: NavData, MEPamp, AmpThresh (usually set to 50) Outputs: Interpolated maps, map volume, map area, mean amplitude, center of gravity in x coordinate (COGx), center of gravity in y coordinate (COGy)
Faghihpirayesh, R., Imbiriba, T., Yarossi, M., Tunik, E., Brooks, D. and Erdoğmuş, D., 2020, June. Motor cortex mapping using active gaussian processes. In Proceedings of the 13th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (pp. 1-7).
Faghihpirayesh, R., Yarossi, M., Imbiriba, T., Brooks, D.H., Tunik, E. and Erdoğmuş, D., 2021. Efficient TMS-Based Motor Cortex Mapping Using Gaussian Process Active Learning. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 29, pp.1679-1689.