ImageLD is an ImageJ plugin for the Light/dark transition test. This program can work with Image J 1.46 or above on Windows 7 or 10 (32-bit).
Download java inteface for LabJack U12
$ curl -LO
$ unzip -p labjack.jar > lib/labjack.jar
Download java package for Scion Frame Grabber FG-7
$ curl -LO
$ unzip -p ScionImageJDrivers/FG-7/ImageJ/SFG_ImageJ_Update64.exe > SFG_ImageJ_Update64.exe
$ cabextract -p -F scion.jar SFG_ImageJ_Update64.exe > lib/scion.jar
Build jar package using Maven
$ mvn package
$ file target/behavior_LD130403.jar
Distributed by Keizo Takao and Tsuyoshi Miyakawa.
In publication of data that is analyzed with ImageLD, cite the following article that describes the method of the Light/dark transition test using this software.
Takao, K., Miyakawa, T. Light/dark Transition Test for Mice. J. Vis. Exp. (1), e104, doi:10.3791/104 (2006).
To get revisions info about ImageLD, please see
In this version, the size/shape of the light and dark compartments should be identical to each other. The dark compartment should located the left side at the image.