Uncomplicate rich modular layouts based on AlpineJS-components
with Magento 2 Headless Components experience.
Provides a simple way to render phtml-based templates, without the need to register them in the xml layout batteries included (caching, theming, first-class AlpineJS support, etc.).
This is a tool to do a
in a "better" way:
- Theming
- Caching
- JS-compainion blocks
- Magento 2 has no ability just to write smth like {{ templates/button }} to render templates as an almost every other templating engines.
- AlpineJS-based themes and components becomes hard to upgrade when overwritten, because of the need to copy-paste the whole JS logic within the template.
This module adds ability for other modules to make use of easier way
to render templates in a simpler way, along with the first-class AlpineJS support
via decoupling the JS logic from the templates, caching and FPC support,
and theming out-of-the-box.
Thus the layout system is used for macro-level layouting (header
, footer
, product-details
and the Headless Components for the atom/block level - button
, input
, accordion
When you building a module, which views will be overridden by the end users, or just want to get rid of xml hell - this module is for you :).
/** view/frontend/templates/some/template.phtml */
// call to the renderer fn with a (template path, parameters,
<?= $block->headlessComponentRenderer->render('atom/input-text', [
'type' => 'email',
'name' => 'email',
'label' => __('Email'),
'attributes' => [
'required' => 1,
'value' => $address->getEmail(),
'x-model' => 'displayEmail',
'@change' => 'await save()'
// and the name in the virtual DOM)
], 'address-form.input-email') ?>
// and once more
<?= $block->headlessComponentRenderer->render('block/messages', [
'scope' => 'address-form',
], 'address-form.messages') ?>
/** view/frontend/templates/component/headless/block/messages.phtml */
<? $scope = $block->getData('scope'); ?>
<div x-data="myVendorModuleHeadlessCreateMessages()"
@myvendormodulemessage-<?= $scope ?>.window="add($event.detail)">
<template x-if="messages.length > 0">
<template x-for="message in messages">
<li style="border: 1px solid black; margin-bottom: 10px;">
<span x-text="message.text"></span>
/** view/frontend/templates/component/headless/block/messages.script.phtml */
myVendorModuleHeadlessCreateMessages = function () {
return {
messages: [],
add: function (message) {
if (!message?.id) {
message.id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
See full example in the EXAMPLE.MD