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User manual MuhRec

Anders Kaestner edited this page Mar 26, 2018 · 28 revisions

Table of contents

\section{Spatio-temporal tomography} When the sample change shape or composition during the acquisition, the reconstructed data will suffer from motion artefacts. The impact of these artefacts can be reduced by using an alternative acqiusition scheme based on the angles computed using the Golden ratio. MuhRec supports projection data acquired using this scheme. You can tell the reconstructor that the projections are acquired using this scheme by selecting mode (Sequential/Golden ratio) in the Geometry field. With the Golden ratio it also possible to select number of projections after the acquisition. This an advantage when you don't know how fast the observed process is\cite{kaestner2011_golden}.

\section{Tilt correction} When the turn table and detector are not aligned there will be an error in the reconstructed data. For small deviations this error can be corrected by adjusting the center of rotation for each slice. In MuhRec you have two parameters for the tilt correction. The first is the axis tilt angle and the other set the pivot point relative to the image.

The pivot is used for long samples where the turn table is located far away from the detector. For a single data set this parameter is less important than when you have several scans that you want to merge after the completed reconstruction. It is not possible to correct for both detector and pivot tilt simultaneously in the current version. Figure \ref{fig_axistilt} shows the two different detector rotations.

\begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics{figures/axis_tilt.pdf} \caption{Possible acquisition axis tilts.}\label{fig_axistilt} \end{figure}

\section{Reconstructing from the command line}\label{sec_cmdline} In addition to the GUI you can also start MuhRec from the command line. This can done by typing \begin{verbatim} muhrec3 -f parameters.xml \end{verbatim} The file parameters.xml contains all settings needed for the reconstruction. This is also the same type of files written by GUI. In appendix \ref{sec_fileformat} an example of the parameter file is given.

The command line option is useful for batch reconstructions. The parameter files for all reconstruction jobs can be prepared with the GUI. In some cases there are only a few parameters that change between the data sets. In this case you can add these parameters on the command line using the format: \begin{verbatim} muhrec3 -f parameters.xml block1:parameter1=value1 block2:parameter2=value2 \end{verbatim} The \verb+block+ is the xml block in the parameter file (userinformation, system, projections, matrix) and \verb+parameter+ is the parameter you want to modify with \verb+value+. Please note that each parameter argument must be a single string each space will be interpreted as delimiter for a new argument. Therefore if you want to change an array parameter you have to use "\ldots" to enclose the argument. Eg. \begin{verbatim} muhrec3 -f parameters.xml "projections:roi=10 10 100 100" \end{verbatim} Muhrec use less memory when it is operated in CLI mode.

\subsubsection{Invoking Muhrec from a script} Sometimes it is convenient to use a script to run muhrec. Here is an example using python. The example uses the CLI interface, which may not be the best way but at least it solves the problem. \begin{verbatim} #!/usr/bin/env python

print("Processing some frames.")

projpath="/Volumes/DataDisk/P20140142" destpath=projpath+"/04_evaluation/20141126" muhrec="/Users/kaestner/Applications/" cfgpath=projpath+"/04_evaluation/20141126/recon_roots.xml"

from subprocess import call from math import fmod firstproj=1; firstframe=0 lastframe=3 for i in range(firstframe,lastframe) : # select projection sub set firstindex="projections:firstindex="+str(firstproj+i*180) lastindex="projections:lastindex="+str(firstproj+(i+1)*180) # set file mask for the slices matrixname="matrix:matrixname=frame_"+("%04d" % i)+"-slice_####.tif" # adjust the reconstruction angles to alternating between 0-180 and 180-360 angle=fmod(i,2)*180 scanarc="projections:scanarc="+str(angle)+" "+str(angle+180) # call the reconstruction call([muhrec, "-f", cfgpath, firstindex, lastindex, matrixname, scanarc]) \end{verbatim}

This script assumes that you have a well configured Recon.xml file and that the data is acquired as a long sequence, e.g. a time series of CTs.

\chapter{Continued development} MuhRec is continuously developing to adapt to new challenges at the neutron imaging beamlines at Paul Scherrer Institut. Unfortunately, it is not only new development but also bug fixing. To fix bug the input from users is important, so I kindly ask you to report problems when the software misbehaves.

For the continued development it also important with feedback regarding improvements of existing and new features. So, if you have any comments that you would like to share I appreciate if you send them to me. I cannot promise that I will implement everything but I will at least consider it.

\bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{../../../../doc/references} \appendix \chapter{License} Definitions: The software refers to any revision of MuhRec. The author Anders Kaestner is referred to as the author. Any person who installed and intends to use or uses the software is referred to as the user. \begin{itemize} \item The user is allowed to install and use the software free of charge. \item The software is delivered as is. The author gratefully receives bug reports and feature requests but can not promise any updates. In case of updates the user will be notified. \item The author takes no responsibility for the use of the software and the accuracy of the results. \item The user is \emph{strongly discouraged} from using the software for medical applications. \item If you use the results in a publication. The following publication should cited: Anders P. Kaestner, \emph{MuhRec -- A new tomography reconstructor}, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Volume 651, Issue 1, 21 September 2011, Pages 156-160, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.129

\end{itemize} \chapter{Parameter file format}\label{sec_fileformat} The parameter file is formatted with xml and is divided into subsections. Here the default parameter file is shown: \begin{verbatim} Anders Kaestner ICON P11048 Curse tablet No comment


    <dims>2048 2048</dims>
    <resolution>0.0135 0.0135</resolution>
    <roi>600 400 1700 432</roi>
    <doseroi>300 600 350 800</doseroi>
    <scanarc>0 360</scanarc>

    <dims>1100 1100 32</dims>
    <grayinterval>-1 0.728486</grayinterval>



\end{verbatim} Most of the parameters can be set with GUI. There are however some exceptions. \begin{itemize} \item \verb++ amount of memory available for reconstruction, unit mb. \item \verb++ number of projections to process simultaneously. \item \verb++ max number of slices to process in one processing block. \end{itemize} The buffer parameters have direct impact on the reconstruction time.

\chapter{Intended new features} \begin{enumerate} \item Flip, and 90$^{\circ}$ rotations. \item True rotation of the projections. \item Center estimation by reconstruction. \item Add a module for QNI for the projections. QNI is a method to reduce the impact of scattering on the data. It often makes it possible to quantify the water content in a sample. \item Your suggestions. \end{enumerate}

\chapter{Known bugs and limitations\ldots} \section{Limitations} \begin{enumerate} \item Center of rotation can not be found for translated projection data. \end{enumerate} \section{Known bugs} \begin{itemize} \item The reconstructor may crash when the number of slices is not a factor of 4. \item The translated center reconstruction does not reconstruct correctly near the center of rotation. This is especially noticeable when tilt correction is activated \item Muhrec may crash, if you use the projection slider too much or rapidly. \item Reconstruction progress dialog does not work on windows (hence deactivated). \item The module selection list in add module is not cleared when a new object file is opened. \item Zooming and panning in the viewer is incomplete. \end{itemize} \end{document}

%%%%%%%%% This text will reappear after \subsection{RobustLogNorm} This modules implements the normalization of projection data to reference images, including open beam, dark current and images with black bodies (BB). The full normalization operation is computed using: \begin{equation} p=-\log\left(\frac{D_0}{D}\cdot\frac{I-I_{DC}-I_{BG}^{sample}}{I_{OB}-I_{DC}-I_{BG}^{OB}}\right) \end{equation} where background images (BG) are computed from BB images (background image computed from open beam images with BBs: ${I_{BG}^{OB}}$, background image computed from sample image with BBs: $ I_{BG}^{sample} $) and compensate for light that is scattered back from the mirror to the scintillator. BB images are expected to be acquired without the sample (open beam images with BB) and with the sample (sample images with BB). \ Several options for this module are available and can be configured through the module dialog. In the first tab of the dialog (Figure \ref{fig:tab1_refmodule}), the following parameters can be set: \begin{figure}[th!] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{./figures3/tab1_refmodule} \caption{First tab of the configuration dialog for the RobustLogNorm module.} \label{fig:tab1_refmodule} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item \textit{Averaging method} allows to choose between different averaging method to be applied to stack of dark current, open beam and eventually BB images. \ Methods available: ImageWeightedAverage, ImageAverage, ImageMedian, ImageMax, ImageMin, ImageSum \ Default value: ImageWeightedAverage \item \textit{Referencing method} triggers the execution of the -log. \ Methods available: LogNorm, Norm\ Default value: LogNorm \item \textit{BB option} allows to choose different referencing options depending on the type of BB images. \ Options available: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{noBB}: to be used when no BB images are available or needed. In this case no other parameters need to be configured and the referencing method is the same as the one available in the FullLogNorm module. \item \textit{Interpolate}: to be used when the BB images with the sample are acquired at regular angular step. In this case further configuration is done in the second tab "BB images" of the dialog. \item \textit{Average}: to be used when a stack of BB images with the sample is taken at the same angular position. In this case the averaging method chosen will be applied and further configuration is done in the second tab "BB images" of the dialog. \item \textit{OneToOne}: to be used when the BB images are acquired at the sample angular position of the projection data. It is required that the number of BB images is the same of the projections. Further configuration is done in the second tab of the dialog. \item \textit{ExternalBB}: to be used when the background images are created elsewhere. In this case the second part of the tab is activated and it is possible to load such images. Images are expected to be already dose corrected, in the case of the open beam image with BB a single file is expected to be loaded. In the case of the sample image with BBs, the number of images is expected to be equal to the number of projection data, meaning that a one by one correspondence is expected. \end{itemize} Default value: Interpolate \end{itemize} In the second tab of the dialog, BB images can be loaded and parameters set (Figure \ref{fig:tab2_refmodule}). \ For the open beam with BB images: \begin{figure}[th!] \centering \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{./figures3/tab2_refmodule} \caption{Second tab of the configuration dialog for the RobustLogNorm module.} \label{fig:tab2_refmodule} \end{figure} \begin{enumerate} \item Get the file name throw the browse button. \item Select the first index of the image to be loaded (First) and the number of images belonging to the stack (Count). \item Click on the Preview button to visualize the first image in the left bottom panel \item On the Open beam with BBs panel, select a ROI including all BBs, then click on GetBBroi. On this roi, Otsu thresholding segmentation is applied to detect BB position. In case of the presence of the rotary table it is probably better to exclude it from the roi. From the segmented image a submask is created, defined as circles of a certain radius centered in the weighted center of mass of each BB (this is not always in the center of BB, also due to beam characteristics). The values of the BB images under these points are used to create an interpolated image of the background. \item Select the radius for the mask computation. Default value is 2 pixel. Maximum size is defined by the size of the BBs, any radius that defines circle bigger than the maximum size will produce masks of the size of BBs. \item Choose the interpolation order along x and y. Options are: ZeroOrder, FirstOrder and SecondOrder. Default value is SecondOrder for both direction. For PSI experiments, higher order for x than the order of y is possibly needed. \item Click on the "Compute error" button. This will display the BB mask, obtained by segmenting the BB roi with the defined radius, and the root mean square error for the given interpolation scheme. At this point it can be useful to tune the radius and the interpolation orders to minimize the interpolation error. \end{enumerate} For the sample images with BBs: \begin{enumerate} \item Get the file name throw the Browse button. \item Select the first index of the image to be loaded (First) and the number of images belonging to the stack (Count). In the OneToOne BBOption, Count must be equal to the number of projection data. \item Click the Preview button to display in the center bottom panel the first sample image with BBs. \item Select the angles corresponding to the first and the last sample images with BB. These are used only in the Interpolate BBOption. \item Into the Sample image with BBs panel, select an open beam ROI, then click on GetBBdose. \end{enumerate} Click finally on OK, to save all parameters. \ Two hidden boolean and one numerical parameters can be finally tuned from the processing tab of the main window: \begin{itemize} \item \textit{PBvariante} triggers the use of the proposed formula (true) or a previous simplified one (false), to be use for testing purpose. Default value: true. \item \textit{SameMask}: if true, the mask is computed only once on the open beam image with BB. The same mask is then used to compute background images from sample images with BBs. This requires that the BBs are in the same position in open beam and sample images with BBs. If false, the mask is computed once again on the first image with sample and BBs and this second mask is used for all sample images with BBs. This option might be used when the BBs in the open beam and sample image are not in the same position, however it requires that the same angular position is available for the first projection image and the first sample image with BBs and that the sample position between the two is the same. Default value: true.
\item \textit{tau}: mean transmission pattern. It is a parameter which contributes in the computation of background images and can be changed in order to obtain more flat profiles and empty regions closed to zero by lowering its value. Default value = 0.99; \end{itemize}

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