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Test and Submit Pull Request

newmans99 edited this page Nov 15, 2017 · 4 revisions

Update the Qlik Sense Application

After updating all of the language translations, complete the following steps:


When adding top level languages (e.g., en, fr, etc...)

If you did not make any additions/deletions to the top level languages(en, fr, etc...), you can skip this section. If you added top level languages to the database tables, you will need to make some modifications to the auto-generated load script of the sample application. To do this...

  1. Open the "Multilingual & Multi Tenant-Department Sampler" app from the Hub.
  2. Open Data Manager, add any new language columns to the Industry/Sector tables.
  3. Save the app and continue below...

For all changes/additions (languages, REGIONs, and/or Variants)

For all changes, you will need to run the load script for each load script methods (JSON, RESX, DB) and validate that you receive the results you expect. To do this...

  1. From Qlik Sense Hub > My Work, Open the "Multilingual & Multi Tenant-Department Sampler"
  2. Using the Navigation Menu, select "Data Load Editor" to edit the Load Script
  3. On the "Demo Variables" Section, change the "vQlikLangFileExtension" variable to be "json"
  4. Complete the steps below.
  5. Repeat these steps using the "vQlikLangFileExtension" variable to "resx", and finally "db" and complete the next steps for each time...

Repeat for each load type...

  1. Reload the app
  2. Open the App (in another tab) and review each of the sheets below...
  3. DEVELOPER: Data Explorer - Ensure that both tables work correctly. NOTE: If you added new top level languages, you will need to add them to the "Column based..." table.
  4. DEVELOPER: Language String Explorer - Ensure that you language/REGION/Variant strings were correctly brought in.
  5. DEVELOPER: Language Section Access - Ensure that the group hierarchy is accurate for your language/REGION/Variant, by selecting a GROUP value and seeing that the correct hierarchy is displayed in the upper-right table.
  6. Order Analysis - Verify that all data elements, Sheet Names, strings, and formats change correctly based on your language selections.

Test Users

If you added test users to the "./data/UsersUDC.xlsx" file, you should create the user's in your OS and log in as each user. If your language preferences show up correctly, then you are finished.

Final packaging and submission

If you encountered any problems, fix them and repeat the testing procedures above. Once all strings are correctly brought over, complete the final packaging steps...

  1. Export the Application and add to the .\app folder of this project.
  2. Verify that the Excel file(s) (OrderData.xlsx and potentially UsersUDC.xlsx) are located in the .\data folder of this project.
  3. Verify that your language files (*.json and *.resx) are located in the .\strings folder of this project.
  4. Upload/Sync to your branch
  5. Submit a PULL request with a description of what you added.
  6. One of the project owners will review and accept/reject your pull request (with comments).