Stop watch assignment from Microsoft DEV234x course.
The user should see the following:
An application title labeled "Stopwatch Demo" A section with a timer that displays the current elapsed time to the hundredth second A button labeled "Start/Stop" A button labeled "Reset" A button labeled "Record Time" A section labeled "Past Times" that keeps a record of previously recorded times
The user should be able to do the following:
Start and stop the timer by pressing the "Start/Stop" button. Start and stop the timer by pressing the 's' key. Record the current timer count into the Past Times section by pressing the "Record Time" button Record the current timer count into the Past Times section by pressing the 't' key. Reset the timer count to 0 and wipe all previously recorded times in the Past Times section by pressing the "Reset" button. Reset the timer count to 0 and wipe all previously recorded times in the Past Times section by pressing the 'r' key.