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Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
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Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <[email protected]>
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nextcloud-bot committed Apr 16, 2023
1 parent c25c5f7 commit 1a6ad95
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Showing 2 changed files with 130 additions and 2 deletions.
66 changes: 65 additions & 1 deletion l10n/eu.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Collectives" : "Kolektiboak",
"In collective %1$s" : "%1$skolektiboan",
"Last edition %1$s" : "Azken edizioa %1$s",
"Collective pages" : "Kolektibo orriak",
"Collectives - Page content" : "Kolektiboak - Orriaren edukia",
"Collectives - Pages" : "Kolektiboak - Orriak",
Expand All @@ -24,6 +26,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copied" : "Kopiatuta",
"Cannot copy" : "Ezin da kopiatu",
"Copy share link" : "Kopiatu partekatze-esteka",
"Left collective {name}" : "Ezkerreko kolektiboa {name}",
"Could not leave the collective. {errorMessage}" : "Ezin izan da kolektiboa utzi. {errorMessage}",
"Collective not found: {collective}" : "Ez da aurkitu kolektiboa: {collective}",
"You're not part of a collective with that name." : "Ez zara izen hori duen kolektibo baten parte.",
"Preparing collective for exporting or printing" : "Kolektiboa prestatzen esportatzeko edo inprimatzeko ",
"Loading pages:" : "Orriak kargatzen:",
Expand All @@ -50,82 +55,141 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"View" : "Ikusi",
"Edit" : "Aldatu",
"Members" : "Partaideak",
"Members can be managed via the connected circle in the Contacts app." : "Kideak kudea daitezke Kontaktuak aplikazioan konektatutako zirkuluaren bidez.",
"Open circle in Contacts" : "Ireki zirkulua Kontaktuak atalean",
"Danger zone" : "Arrisku eremua",
"Delete collective" : "Ezabatu kolektiboa",
"Change emoji" : "Aldatu emojia",
"Add emoji" : "Gehitu emojia",
"Name of the collective" : "Kolektiboaren izena",
"Renaming is limited to owners of the circle" : "Izena aldatzea zirkuluaren jabeei mugatuta dago",
"Name too short, requires at least three characters" : "Izen laburregia, gutxienez hiru karaktere behar ditu",
"Editing permissions updated" : "Editatzeko baimenak eguneratu dira",
"Could not update editing permissions" : "Ezin izan dira eguneratu edizio-baimenak",
"Sharing permissions updated" : "Partekatze baimenak eguneratu dira",
"Could not update sharing permissions" : "Ezin izan dira partekatze baimenak eguneratu",
"Default page mode updated" : "Orri modu lehenetsia eguneratu da",
"Could not update default page mode" : "Ezin izan da orri modu lehenetsia eguneratu",
"Emoji updated" : "Emojia eguneratuta",
"Could not update emoji for the collective" : "Ezin izan da eguneratu emojia kolektiboarentzat",
"Could not rename the collective" : "Ezin izan da kolektiboa berrizendatu",
"Collectives settings" : "Kolektiboen ezarpenak",
"Collectives Folder" : "Kolektiboen karpeta",
"Create a collective first" : "Lehenengoz kolektibo bat sortu",
"Select location for collectives" : "Hautatu kolektiboen kokapena",
"Invalid path selected. Only folders on first level are supported." : "Bide-izen baliogabea hautatu da. Lehen mailako karpetak bakarrik onartzen dira.",
"Deleted collectives" : "Ezabatutako kolektiboak",
"Restore" : "Berezarri",
"Delete permanently" : "Ezabatu betirako",
"Permanently delete collective »{collective}«" : "Ezabatu behin betiko »{collective}« kolektiboa",
"Delete corresponding circle along with the collective?" : "Kolektiboarekin batera dagokion zirkulua ezabatu?",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
"Only collective" : "Kolektiboa bakarrik",
"Collective and circle" : "Kolektiboa eta zirkulua",
"Only circle owners can delete a circle" : "Zirkulu-jabeek soilik ezabatu dezakete zirkulu bat",
"New collective" : "Kolektibo berria",
"Select emoji" : "Hautatu emojia",
"Select a circle..." : "Hautatu zirkulu bat...",
"Select an existing circle" : "Hautatu dagoen zirkulu bat",
"Cancel selecting a circle" : "Utzi zirkulua hautatzen",
"Enter the new collective name or pick a circle" : "Sartu kolektiboaren izen berria edo hautatu zirkulu bat",
"Add people" : "Gehitu pertsonak",
"Back" : "Atzera",
"Create" : "Sortu",
"A collective with this name already exists" : "Badago izen hori duen kolektibo bat",
"Could not add members to the collective" : "Ezin izan dira kideak gehitu kolektiboan",
"Select a collective" : "Hautatu kolektibo bat",
"Create a new collective" : "Sortu kolektibo berria",
"Stop editing" : "Utzi edizioa",
"Start editing" : "Hasi editatzen",
"Done" : "Egina",
"Open page sidebar" : "Ireki orri alboko barra",
"Show in Files" : "Erakutsi fitxategietan",
"Move page" : "Mugitu orria",
"Hide outline" : "Ezkutatu eskema",
"Show outline" : "Erakutsi eskema",
"Edit template for subpages" : "Editatu azpiorrien txantiloia",
"Add template for subpages" : "Gehitu azpiorrien txantiloia",
"Cannot delete page with subpages" : "Ezin da ezabatu azpiorridun orria ",
"Delete template" : "Ezabatu txantiloia",
"Delete page" : "Ezabatu orria",
"Extra action" : "Ekintza gehigarria",
"Page not found:" : "Ez da orria aurkitu:",
"Could not find the Page." : "Ezin izan da orria aurkitu.",
"Select a page from the list or create a new one." : "Hautatu orri bat zerrendatik edo sortu berri bat.",
"Breadcrumb for Home" : "Hasieraren nabigazio-haria ",
"Breadcrumb for {page}" : " {page}-ren nabigazio-haria ",
"Move page here" : "Mugitu orria hona",
"Page content" : "Orriaren edukia",
"Restore this version" : "Leheneratu bertsio hau",
"Reverted {page} to revision {timestamp}." : "{page} {timestamp} bertsiora leheneratu da.",
"Failed to revert {page} to revision {timestamp}." : "Errorea egon da {page} {timestamp} bertsiora leheneratzean.",
"Select emoji for page" : "Hautatu emoji bat orrirako",
"Template" : "Txantiloia",
"Title" : "Izenburua",
"Could not rename the page" : "Ezin izan da orria berrizendatu",
"Expand subpage list" : "Zabaldu azpiorrien zerrenda",
"Add a page" : "Gehitu orri bat",
"Add a subpage" : "Gehitu azpi-orri bat",
"Search pages ..." : "Bilatu orriak ...",
"Sort order" : "Ordenatzeko irizpidea",
"Sort by custom order" : "Ordenatu hurrenkera pertsonalizatuan",
"Sort recently changed first" : "Ordenatu azkenaldian aldatutakoak lehenik",
"Sort by title" : "Ordenatu izenburuaren arabera",
"Sorted by title" : "Izenburuaren arabera ordenatuta",
"Sorted by recently changed" : "Ordenatu azkenaldian aldatutakoak",
"Switch back to default sort order" : "Itzuli ordenatzeko hurrenkera lehenetsira",
"Hide templates" : "Ezkutatu txantiloiak",
"Show templates" : "Erakutsi txantiloiak",
"Could not save page order for collective" : "Ezin izan da orriaren ordena gorde kolektiboarentzat",
"View in document" : "Ikusi dokumentuan",
"Download" : "Deskargatu",
"Recently deleted" : "Berriki ezabatua",
"No attachments available" : "Ez dago eranskinik eskuragarri",
"If the page has attachments, they will be listed here." : "Orrialdeak eranskinak baditu, hemen zerrendatuko dira.",
"Add attachments using drag and drop or via \"Insert attachment\" in the formatting bar" : "Gehitu eranskinak arrastatu eta jareginez edo formatu-barrako \"Txertatu eranskina\" bidez ",
"Could not get attachments" : "Ezin izan dira jaso eranskinak",
"No backlinks available" : "Ez dago atzeko estekarik erabilgarri",
"If other pages link to this one, they will be listed here." : "Beste orrialde batzuek honekin lotura badute, hemen zerrendatuko dira.",
"Could not get page backlinks" : "Ezin izan dira orriaren atzeko estekak lortu",
"Current version" : "Uneko bertsioa",
"No other versions available" : "Ez dago bertsio gehiago eskuragarri",
"After editing you can find old versions of the page here." : "Editatu ondoren orriaren bertsio zaharrak aurki ditzakezu hemen.",
"Could not get page versions" : "Ezin izan dira orriaren bertsioak eskuratu",
"Attachments" : "Eranskinak",
"Backlinks" : "Atzeko estekak",
"Versions" : "Bertsioak",
"The content of this folder is best viewed in the Collectives app." : "Karpeta honen edukia Collectives aplikazioan ikusten da hobekien.",
"Open in Collectives" : "Ireki Kolektiboak-en",
"Come, organize and build shared knowledge!" : "Zatoz, antolatu eta eraiki ezagutza partekatua!",
"Create new collective" : "Sortu kolektibo berria",
"Users" : "Erabiltzaileak",
"Groups" : "Taldeak",
"Email addresses" : "E-posta helbideak",
"Circles" : "Zirkuluak",
"Link copied to the clipboard." : "Esteka arbelera kopiatu da.",
"Could not copy link to the clipboard:" : "Ezin izan da esteka arbelera kopiatu:",
"Could not create the page" : "Ezin izan da orria sortu",
"New Page" : "Orri berria",
"Could not save emoji for page" : "Ezin izan da orrirako emojia gorde",
"Could not move page" : "Ezin izan da orria mugitu",
"Could not delete the page" : "Ezin izan da orria ezabatu",
"_%n byte_::_%n bytes_" : ["Byte %n","%n byte"],
"Error: Missing apps" : "Errorea: aplikazioak falta dira",
"The following dependency apps are missing: " : "Mendekotasun-aplikazio hauek falta dira:",
"Please ask the administrator to enable these apps." : "Mesedez, eskatu administratzaileari aplikazio hauek gaitzeko.",
"in Collective {collective}" : " {collective} kolektiboan",
"Could not change the collective share editing permissions" : "Ezin izan dira aldatu partekatze kolektiboak editatzeko baimenak",
"Could not share the collective" : "Ezin izan da kolektiboa partekatu",
"Could not unshare the collective" : "Ezin izan da kolektiboaren partekatzea kendu",
"Collective not found:" : "Ez da aurkitu kolektiboa:",
"Select a collective or create a new one on the left." : "Hautatu kolektibo bat edo sortu berri bat ezkerrean.",
"Save new collective name" : "Gorde kolektiboaren izen berria",
"Create collective for existing circle" : "Sortu kolektiboa existittzen den zirkulurako",
"New collective name" : "Kolektibo izen berria",
"Select circle..." : "Hautatu zirkulua...",
"Cancel creating a new collective" : "Utzi kolektibo berria sortzeari"
"Cancel creating a new collective" : "Utzi kolektibo berria sortzeari",
"Pages that link to this one" : "Horrekin lotura duten orriak",
"Old versions of this page" : "Orri horren bertsio zaharrak"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");

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