NOTE! v0.x.x-beta. Not production ready. Still needs testing and improvements.
React canvas component for image annotation.
npm install @aiwizo/image-annotation-canvas
import { useReducer } from 'react';
import ImageAnnotationCanvas, { reducer, initialState, actions } from '@aiwizo/image-annotation-canvas';
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer(initialState));
const canvasActions = actions(state,dispatch)
canvasActions.annotations.set([{coordinates: [{x: 0.1, y: 0.15}]}])
completeAnnotationOn={(state) => { /* return a bool calculated from the state */ }}
minCoordinates: 3, // polygons have a minimum of 3 coordinates
bbox: {
display: true,
lineDash: [], // html canvas line dash
lineWidth: 3, // html canvas line width
polygon: {
display: false,
lineDash: [10], // html canvas line dash
lineWidth: 10, // html canvas line width
// uuid
id: '7772FF32-052F-4255-9210-E29C99AC3BA6',
// Ordered array of coordinates {x,y}
// Where x and y should be the relative
// coordinates 0 < x, y < 1 of the image dimensions
coordinates: [
{ x: 0.1, y: 0.3 },
{ x: 0.2, y: 0.35 },
// Determines if the annotation should
// be shown on the canvas
// ture | false
visible: true,
const coordinate = {
// Relative x, between 0 and 1
x: 0.2,
// Relative y, between 0 and 1
y: 0.3,
// Some uuid
id: "2DDA14BD-5394-4315-BC09-1AF2F64F88E3",
// Set the list of annotations in the
// canvas state
/* Annotation */
// Edit single annotation
// Required for the update to work
// Select one annotation for editing;
// Delete one annotation
npm run start
from root folder to start the storybook interface with the canvas component.
Its not possible to run
npm install
from scratch due to some issue with storybook and React 17. A workaround is
npx sb@latest upgrade && npm i
Please let us know if you have any issues. Put an issue here on github and we'll do our best to solve it.