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Backend (JAVA) and Frontend (HTML thymeleaf) for Web проект “Телефонная книга” project

##Properties file

  • for the spring.profile = Json:
json.db.path = {path to files}
  • for the spring.profile = MySql
spring.datasource.url = jdbc: mysql: // localhost: 3306 / phonebook? useUnicode = true & characterEncoding = UTF-8 & serverTimezone = UTC
spring.datasource.username = root
spring.datasource.password = root

Examples are described in the files:

- for spring.profile = MySql: /src/main/resources/prop/
- spring.profile = Json: /src/main/resources/prop/

##MySql: SQL query to create all the necessary tables:

create table user
    id       varchar(36) not null,
    login    varchar(255),
    password varchar(255),
    pib      varchar(255),
    primary key (id)

create table contact 
                         id varchar(36) not null,
                         address varchar(255),
                         email varchar(255),
                         first_name varchar(255),
                         home_phone varchar(255),
                         last_name varchar(255) not null,
                         middle_name varchar(255),
                         mobile_phone varchar(255),
                         user_id varchar(36) not null,
                         primary key (id),
                         FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES user(Id) ON DELETE CASCADE

##Building project JDK 8 need to be installed

From the root dir of a project run

  • Mac, Linux: the final Jar file

mvn clean package

##Run project

All application settings should be in the properties file, the path to which should be passed as arguments JVM machine (-Dlardi.conf = / path / to / Example:

java -jar -Dlardi.conf = "../ src / main / resources / prop /" ./target/phonebook-1.0.jar

##Run project with docker

1.) launch the container in docker-machine:

1.1) open / create container in docker-machine

$ docker-machine start phoneDocker - (phoneDocker - container name)
$ docker-machine create phoneDocker - (phoneDocker - container name, default -driver, -d "virtualbox)
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox phoneDocker - (phoneDocker - container name,
			-driver, -d "virtualbox" Driver to create machine with. [$ MACHINE_DRIVER)

1.2) check the list of containers in docker-machine

$ docker-machine ls

1.3) to get the environment variables that need to be configured to connect to the docker machine:

$ docker-machine env phoneDocker

1.4) Run this command to configure your shell:

# eval $ (docker-machine env phoneDocker)

2.) To add an image project to the phoneDocker container

2.1) go to the project directory

cd {path to project} /

2.2) compile docker image

$ mvn clean install package dockerfile: build

3.) copy properties file (

$ docker-machine scp src / main / resources / prop / phoneDocker: / tmp

4.) Ip control (url), state Active, State:

$ docker-machine ls
phoneDocker * virtualbox Running tcp: // 2376 v19.03.3

5.) work in docker:

5.1) - start of the ssh console (VM starts in parallel)

$ docker-machine ssh phoneDocker

5.2) - check the running image:

$ docker ps

5.3) output of all old image-name

$ docker ps -a

5.4) deleting the old image of all

$ docker rm $ (docker ps -a -q -f status = exited)
$ docker rm $ (docker ps -a -q -f status = created)

5.5) start container: phoneDocker image: com.lardi / phonebook

  • image will listen on port 8080 and accordingly it needs to be set out through -p port: 8080
$ docker run -p 8080: 8080 -t com.lardi / phonebook

6.) work in the browser (url: tcp: // 2376 port: 8080):