I have created this repository for potential employees to make pull requests for each question and try to solve each question noted in this readme.
This is a very open-ended, no wrong answer test to see what you're at in terms of skill-level. I leave it mostly up to you to impress the team. Obviously, the more knowledge you have about the subject the better your answers should be. :)
1: in the index.html file inside of the #main-content div, create a form that has only one label and one input with the type of 'text', give it an id of "full-name".
2: Using only CSS, style the input so that all the text inside will be all uppercase. i.e., if I typed "joshua eagle", we would see it as "JOSHUA EAGLE".
1: in the index.html file, there is a div element. In pure Vanilla JavaScript in the interview.js file, create a variable that references that div element by it's Id.
2: Demonstrate how to implement an IIFE.
3: Create a function that accepts one parameter and returns that parameters 'type'.
4: In the function "filterArray()" in the interview.js file, I want you to pass in the arrayList variable as a parameter, and grab the number 5 in the arrray, and remove it, and return the array without the number 5 in it.
5: Create a function that accepts one parameter as a string, and take that string and reverse its contents. - For example: - I have a string "Hello World", If I pass this string into your function, it should reverse it to look like this. "dlroW olleH".
6: Create a function that accepts one parameter, and creates a fibonacci sequence and returns the entire list.