Please note that the project requires latest Zig compiler (master/nightly). It can be downloaded here.
Libraries - Sample applications - Vision - Others using zig-gamedev - Monthly reports - Roadmap
We build game development ecosystem for Zig programming language, everyday since July 2021. Please consider supporting the project. We create:
- Cross-platform and composable libraries
- Cross-platform sample applications
- DirectX 12 sample applications
- Mini-games (in planning)
To get started on Windows/Linux/macOS try out physically based rendering (wgpu) sample:
git clone
cd zig-gamedev
zig build physically_based_rendering_wgpu-run
Library | Latest version | Description |
zphysics | 0.0.5 | Zig API and C API for Jolt Physics |
zflecs | 0.0.1 | Zig bindings for flecs ECS |
zopengl | 0.1.0 | OpenGL loader (supports 3.3 Core Profile and ES 2.0 Profile) |
zsdl | 0.0.1 | Bindings for SDL2 (wip) |
zgpu | 0.9.0 | Small helper library built on top of native wgpu implementation (Dawn) |
zgui | 0.9.6 | Easy to use dear imgui bindings (includes ImPlot) |
zaudio | 0.9.3 | Fully-featured audio library built on top of miniaudio |
zmath | 0.9.6 | SIMD math library for game developers |
zstbi | 0.9.3 | Image reading, writing and resizing with stb libraries |
zmesh | 0.9.0 | Loading, generating, processing and optimizing triangle meshes |
ztracy | 0.9.0 | Support for CPU profiling with Tracy |
zpool | 0.9.0 | Generic pool & handle implementation |
zglfw | 0.5.2 | Minimalistic GLFW bindings with no translate-c dependency |
znoise | 0.1.0 | Zig bindings for FastNoiseLite |
zjobs | 0.1.0 | Generic job queue implementation |
zbullet | 0.2.0 | Zig bindings and C API for Bullet physics library |
zwin32 | 0.9.0 | Zig bindings for Win32 API (d3d12, d3d11, xaudio2, directml, wasapi and more) |
zd3d12 | 0.9.0 | Helper library for DirectX 12 |
zxaudio2 | 0.9.0 | Helper library for XAudio2 |
zpix | 0.9.0 | Support for GPU profiling with PIX for Windows |
- Very modular "toolbox of libraries", user can use only the components she needs
- Works on Windows, macOS and Linux
- Has zero dependency except Zig compiler (master) and
with Git LFS - no Visual Studio, Build Tools, Windows SDK, gcc, dev packages, system headers/libs, cmake, ninja, etc. is needed - Building is as easy as running
zig build
(see: Building) - Libraries are written from scratch in Zig or provide Ziggified bindings for carefully selected C/C++ libraries
- Uses native wgpu implementation (Dawn) or OpenGL for cross-platfrom graphics and DirectX 12 for low-level graphics on Windows
Some of the sample applications are listed below. More can be found in samples directory.
physically based rendering (wgpu): This sample implements physically-based rendering (PBR) and image-based lighting (IBL) to achive realistic looking rendering results.
zig build physically_based_rendering_wgpu-run
audio experiments (wgpu): This sample lets the user to experiment with audio and observe data that feeds the hardware.
zig build audio_experiments_wgpu-run
bullet physics test (wgpu): This sample application demonstrates how to use full 3D physics engine in your Zig programs.
zig build bullet_physics_test_wgpu-run
procedural mesh (wgpu): This sample shows how to efficiently draw several procedurally generated meshes.
zig build procedural_mesh_wgpu-run
gui test (wgpu): This sample shows how to use our zgui library.
zig build gui_test_wgpu-run
Some of the sample applications are listed below. More can be found in samples directory. They can be built and run on Windows and Linux (Wine + VKD3D-Proton 2.8+):
bindless: This sample implements physically based shading and image based lighting to achive realistic looking rendering results. It uses bindless textures and HLSL 6.6 dynamic resources.
zig build bindless-run
rasterization: This sample application shows how GPU rasterizes triangles in slow motion.
zig build rasterization-run
simple raytracer: This sample implements basic hybrid renderer. It uses rasterization to resolve primary rays and raytracing (DXR) for shadow rays.
zig build simple_raytracer-run
mesh shader test: This sample shows how to use DirectX 12 Mesh Shader.
zig build mesh_shader_test-run
- Aftersun - Top-down 2D RPG
- Pixi - Pixel art editor made with Zig
- Simulations - GPU Accelerated agent-based modeling to visualize and simulate complex systems
- elvengroin legacy - TBD
- jok - A minimal 2D/3D game framework for Zig
To build all sample applications (assuming zig
is in the PATH and Git LFS is installed):
git clone
cd zig-gamedev
zig build
Build artifacts will show up in zig-out/bin
zig build <sample_name>
will build sample application named <sample_name>
zig build <sample_name>-run
will build and run sample application named <sample_name>
To list all available sample names run zig build --help
and navigate to Steps
Options for Windows applications:
- Direct3D 12, Direct2D, DXGI debug layers enabled-Dzd3d12-enable-gbv=[bool]
- Direct3D 12 GPU-Based Validation (GBV) enabled-Dzpix-enable=[bool]
- PIX markers and events enabled
Thanks to all people who sponsor zig-gamedev project! In particular, these fine folks sponsor zig-gamedev for $25/month or more:
- Derek Collison (derekcollison)
- Garett Bass (garettbass)
- Connor Rowland (ckrowland)
- Zig Software Foundation (ziglang)
- Joran Dirk Greef (jorangreef)