If you use any of the code in your paper, please cite:
@inproceedings{goernitz2015hidden, title={Hidden Markov Anomaly Detection}, author={Goernitz, Nico and Braun, Mikio and Kloft, Marius}, booktitle={Proceedings of The 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning}, pages={1833--1842}, year={2015} }
[L]atent [A]nomaly [D]etection
- implementation of (dual) one-class support vector machine
- implementation of (primal) structured output support vector machine
- implementation of (primal) non-convex latent one-class svm
- multi-class
- hidden Markov model
- basic procaryotic gene model (based on HMM-jfm)
- icml submission examples (some of them require special data)