Create a namespace for this group of resources.
kubectl create namespace database
Execute the following commands in order to create the Kubernetes Secrets, ConfigMaps, Deployments and Services for Mongodb and MongoExpress
kubectl apply -n database -f mongodb-secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -n database -f mongodb-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -n database -f mongodb-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -n database -f mongodb-service.yaml
kubectl apply -n database -f mongo--express-deployment.yaml
(includes service configuration)
Once all the above got successfull created service can be exposed outside with following commands
kubectl patch svc mongo-express-service -n database -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'
Once the service patching is done execute the below one
kubectl port-forward svc/mongo-express-service -n database 8081:8081
Now, the mongo-express web app can be accessed with your browser