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AWS VPC using Terraform

This repository has the terraform scripts to create an AWS VPC for the following Highly Available VPC Architecture.

The scripts also creates an Elastic IP and Associate it to a NAT Gateway, which allows Internet traffic to the private subnets. The route table has been updated with an ingress to NAT Gateway

VPC Design

Create a free account with AWS and configure your public key and secret key with aws-cli to execute this terraform script towards AWS Cloud.

AWS Command Line Interface

Install aws-cli in your machine to configure the connectivity towards the AWS Platform

Download and Install aws-cli from

Check installed version using aws --version


Terram of is Infrastructure as Code tool allows to create Cloud Infrastructure so Quickly. Terraform scripts can be run by installing terraform in your machine.

Download Terraform from

Check installed version using terraform -v

How to Execute your terraform project:

  • terraform init : Initializes the Terraform working directory.
  • terraform plan : Generates an execution plan, showing what actions Terraform will take.
  • terraform apply : Applies the changes, creating the VPC bucket.
