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clinic: add create patient endpoint
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ashutoshgngwr committed Oct 10, 2023
1 parent 088af3d commit d7f3e0a
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Showing 15 changed files with 403 additions and 18 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion clinic/docker-compose.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,10 +68,12 @@ services:
hapi.fhir.default_encoding: json ca.uhn.fhir.jpa.model.dialect.HapiFhirPostgres94Dialect false
server.port: 8090
hapi.fhir.tester.home.server_address: http://localhost:8090/fhir
- hapi-data:/data/hapi
- 8090:8080
- 8090:8090
networks: [default]

Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions clinic/project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,11 +2,19 @@
:description "Onboarding project #2"
:url ""
:dependencies [[aero "1.1.6"]
[clj-http "3.12.3"]
[compojure "1.7.0"]
[mount "0.1.17"]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
[ring/ring-core "1.10.0"]
[ring/ring-jetty-adapter "1.10.0"]
[ring/ring-json "0.5.1"]]
:source-paths ["src/clj"]
:test-paths ["test/clj"]
:main ^:skip-aot clinic.core
:target-path "target/%s"
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[org.clojure/test.check "0.9.0"]]}
:test {:dependencies [[ring/ring-mock "0.4.0"]]}
:uberjar {:aot :all
:jvm-opts [""]}}
:plugins [[lein-cloverage "1.2.2"]])
14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions clinic/src/clj/clinic/config.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
(ns clinic.config
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read])
(:require [aero.core :as aero]
[ :as io]
[mount.core :refer [defstate]]))
Expand All @@ -10,5 +9,16 @@
:stop nil)

(defn read [key]
(defn get-value
"Returns the configuration value corresponding to the given `key` in
(get config key))

(defn wrap
"Ring middleware to add `:config` key to incoming requests."
(fn [request]
(-> {:config config}
(into request)
25 changes: 22 additions & 3 deletions clinic/src/clj/clinic/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,26 @@
(ns clinic.core
(:require [clinic.config :as config]
[mount.core :as mount]))
[clinic.routes.core :as routes]
[mount.core :as mount]
[ring.adapter.jetty :as jetty]))

(defonce server (atom nil))

(defn- start
([] (start false))
(reset! server
(jetty/run-jetty (config/wrap #'routes/handler)
{:port (config/get-value :http-port)
:join? join-thread}))))

(defn -main []
(prn (config/read :fhir-server-base-url) (config/read :http-port)))
(start true))

;; REPL helpers
(comment (start))
(when @server
(.stop @server))
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions clinic/src/clj/clinic/fhir/client.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
(ns clinic.fhir.client
(:require [cheshire.core :as json]
[clj-http.client :as c]))

(defn create!
"Performs a HTTP POST request on a FHIR server at the given `base-url` for a
given `resource` with given HTTP `headers`.
Returns HTTP response of the server after JSON parsing its body."
[base-url resource headers]
(-> (if (= "Bundle" (resource :resourceType))
base-url ; Bundle resources should POST at the server root
(str base-url "/" (resource :resourceType)))
(c/post {:headers (into {"Content-Type" "application/fhir+json"} headers)
:body (json/generate-string resource)
:throw-exceptions false})
(update :body json/parse-string true)))
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions clinic/src/clj/clinic/fhir/utils.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
(ns clinic.fhir.utils)

(defn find-code
"Returns the value of the `code` attribute corresponding to the given `system`
in a FHIR Codeable Concept."
[system codeable-concept]
(some-> codeable-concept
(get :coding)
((partial filter #(= system (get % :system))))
(get :code)))

(defn find-value
"Returns the value corresponding to the given `system` in a collection of
[system elements]
(some-> elements
((partial filter #(= system (% :system))))
(get :value)))
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions clinic/src/clj/clinic/routes/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
(ns clinic.routes.core
(:require [clinic.routes.patient :as patient]
[compojure.core :refer [context defroutes]]
[ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-body wrap-json-response]]
[ring.util.response :as r]))

(defroutes ^:private routes
(context "/api/v1" _
(context "/patients" _ patient/handler)))

(defn- wrap-exception-handler [next-handler]
(fn [request]
(try (next-handler request)
(catch Throwable _
(r/status 500)))))

(def handler
"The default API route handler."
(-> routes
(wrap-json-body {:keywords? true})
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions clinic/src/clj/clinic/routes/patient.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
(ns clinic.routes.patient
(:require [clinic.service.patient :as svc]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes POST]]
[ring.util.response :as r]))

(defn- create-patient [{{fhir-server-url :fhir-server-base-url} :config
params :body}]
(-> (svc/create! fhir-server-url params)
(r/status 201))
(catch Exception e
(case (:type (ex-data e))
:invalid-params (r/status 400)
:mrn-conflict (r/status 503)
(throw e)))))

(defroutes handler
(POST "/" _ create-patient))
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions clinic/src/clj/clinic/service/patient.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
(ns clinic.service.patient
(:require [clinic.fhir.client :as fc]
[clinic.fhir.utils :as fu]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.string :as string]))

(def mrn-system "urn:nilenso:clinic:mrn")
(def marital-status-system "")
(def email-system "email")
(def phone-system "phone")

(def ^:private not-blank? (complement string/blank?))

(s/def ::id (s/and string? not-blank?))
(s/def ::mrn (s/and string? not-blank?))
(s/def ::first-name (s/and string? not-blank?))
(s/def ::last-name (s/and string? not-blank?))
(s/def ::birth-date (s/and string? not-blank?))
(s/def ::gender #{"male" "female" "other" "unknown"})
(s/def ::marital-status #{nil, "A" "D" "I" "L" "M" "P" "S" "T" "U" "W" "UNK"})
(s/def ::email (s/nilable (s/and string? not-blank?)))
(s/def ::phone (s/nilable (s/and string? not-blank?)))

(s/def ::create-params
(s/keys :req-un [::first-name ::last-name ::birth-date ::gender]
:opt-un [::marital-status ::email ::phone]))

(s/def ::patient
(s/keys :req-un [::id ::mrn ::first-name ::last-name ::birth-date ::gender]
:opt-un [::marital-status ::email ::phone]))

(defn- generate-mrn []
(String/format "%03d-%03d-%03d"
(into-array [(rand-int 999)
(rand-int 999)
(rand-int 999)])))

(defn- domain->fhir [params]
(let [resource (atom {:resourceType "Patient"
:identifier [{:system mrn-system
:value (params :mrn)}]
:name [{:family (params :last-name)
:given [(params :first-name)]}]
:birthDate (params :birth-date)
:gender (params :gender)
:maritalStatus {:coding [{:system marital-status-system
:code (or (get params :marital-status)
:telecom []
:active true})]
(when (params :email)
(swap! resource update :telecom conj {:system email-system
:value (params :email)}))
(when (params :phone)
(swap! resource update :telecom conj {:system phone-system
:value (params :phone)}))

(defn- fhir->domain [resource]
(let [entity (atom {:id (resource :id)
:mrn (->> resource
(fu/find-value mrn-system))
:first-name (string/join " " (get-in resource [:name 0 :given]))
:last-name (get-in resource [:name 0 :family])
:birth-date (resource :birthDate)
:gender (resource :gender)
:marital-status (some->> resource
(fu/find-code marital-status-system))})
email (some->> resource
(fu/find-value email-system))
phone (some->> resource
(fu/find-value phone-system))]
(when email
(swap! entity assoc :email email))
(when phone
(swap! entity assoc :phone phone))
(s/conform ::patient @entity)))

(defn create!
"Creates a new patient resource using attributes of the given `params` and
uses the FHIR server at the given `fhir-server-url` to persist these Patient
[fhir-server-url params]
(when-not (s/valid? ::create-params params)
(throw (ex-info "invalid create params"
{:type :invalid-params
:details (s/explain-data ::create-params params)})))
(loop [retry-count 3]
(let [mrn (generate-mrn)
resource (-> params
(assoc :mrn mrn)
response (fc/create! fhir-server-url
{"If-None-Exist" (str "identifier=" mrn-system "|" mrn)})
{status :status body :body} response]
(= 0 retry-count) (throw (ex-info "couldn't generate a unique MRN"
{:type :mrn-conflict}))
(= status 200) (recur (dec retry-count)) ;; MRN conflict
(= status 201) (fhir->domain body)
:else (throw (ex-info "upstream service error"
{:type :upstream-error
:response {:status status :body body}}))))))
19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions clinic/test/clj/clinic/config_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,19 @@
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[aero.core :as aero]
(ns clinic.config-test
(:require [aero.core :as aero]
[clinic.config :as config]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]
[mount.core :as mount]))

(deftest read-test
(deftest get-value-test
(with-redefs [aero/read-config (constantly {:test-key "test-val"})]
(mount/start #'config/config)
(is (= "test-val" (config/read :test-key)))))
(is (= "test-val" (config/get-value :test-key)))))

(deftest wrap-test
(let [request (atom {})
next-handler (partial reset! request)
test-config {:test-key "test-val"}]
(with-redefs [aero/read-config (constantly test-config)]
(mount/start #'config/config)
((config/wrap next-handler) {:method :get})
(is (= test-config (@request :config))))))
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions clinic/test/clj/clinic/core_test.clj

This file was deleted.

29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions clinic/test/clj/clinic/fhir/client_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
(ns clinic.fhir.client-test
(:require [clinic.fhir.client :as client]
[clj-http.client :as c]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is testing]]))

(deftest create-test
(let [post-params (atom [])]
(with-redefs [c/post (fn [& args]
(reset! post-params (vec args))
{:status 201
:headers (get-in @post-params [1 :headers])
:body (get-in @post-params [1 :body])})]
(testing "with Test resource"
(let [resp (client/create! "http://test.base.url/fhir"
{:resourceType "Test"
:key "resource-val"}
{:header "header-val"})]
(is (= "http://test.base.url/fhir/Test" (@post-params 0)))
(is (= "resource-val" (get-in resp [:body :key])))
(is (= "header-val" (get-in @post-params [1 :headers :header])))))

(testing "with Bundle resource"
(let [resp (client/create! "http://test.base.url/fhir"
{:resourceType "Bundle"
:key "resource-val"}
{:header "header-val"})]
(is (= "http://test.base.url/fhir" (@post-params 0)))
(is (= "resource-val" (get-in resp [:body :key])))
(is (= "header-val" (get-in @post-params [1 :headers :header]))))))))
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions clinic/test/clj/clinic/fhir/utils_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
(ns clinic.fhir.utils-test
(:require [clinic.fhir.utils :as fu]
[clojure.test :refer [deftest is]]))

(deftest find-code-test
(let [codeable-concept {:coding [{:system "test-system-1"
:code "code-1"}
{:system "test-system-2"
:code "code-2"}
{:system "test-system-3"
:code "code-3"}]}]
(is (= "code-1" (fu/find-code "test-system-1" codeable-concept)))
(is (= "code-2" (fu/find-code "test-system-2" codeable-concept)))
(is (= "code-3" (fu/find-code "test-system-3" codeable-concept)))))

(deftest find-value-test
(let [elements [{:system "test-system-1"
:value "value-1"}
{:system "test-system-2"
:value "value-2"}
{:system "test-system-3"
:value "value-3"}]]
(is (= "value-1" (fu/find-value "test-system-1" elements)))
(is (= "value-2" (fu/find-value "test-system-2" elements)))
(is (= "value-3" (fu/find-value "test-system-3" elements)))))

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