For the generating the grpc files you will need:
- protoc compiler
- go-grpc plugin
- make
Enable chocolaty (chocolaty is package manager for windows)
From Powershell with admin
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; `
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
From Powershell with admin
# install go
choch install golang
# install protoc
choco install protoc --pre
# install make
choco install make
# install go-grpc plugin
go get
# install mongodb
choco install mongodb
# install robo3t - a gui tool for mongo db
choco install robo3t
To use mongodb from cli you need to add the mongodb bin directory to the PATH environment variable
sudo snap install go
cd <root dir>
go mod download
make grpc
go run main/main.go
At the time this readme has written heroku has not have support for http2, so it does not possible to use heroku for the maple server. I will keep this heroku snippet code just because it has already written.
if you don't familiar with heroku checkout this link download the heroku cli from heroku websitehttps
# login to heroku
heroku login
# if you did not alredy created heroku app
heroku create
# push branch to heroku
git push heroku <branch>
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 3667).OwningProcess taskkill /PID <PID> /F
Repository of android client for the game can be found in: