Consisting of create-react-app, firebase auth, database & hosting, PWNCount manages to serve multiple Instances of a smallest-as-possible front- and backend for a simple counter. One for every signedin user.
You can create your own counter in my instance or host your own instance via google firebase. Just pull this project, connect it to firebase, ativate database & auth and you're ready to go.
I came up with the Idea when a friend of mine wanted to track his ingame deaths for the audience of his Twitch-Stream. Now he is able to set up his phone, standing by the monitor, and to add one count manually if he gets shot. On the other Hand there's a "display"-View he can integrate in his OBS-Strream.
When he wished to change the displayed text, so he could also count his own kills or stuff like that, i implemented that for him, too.
Feel free to enhance whatever you like. I think my code is far away from the best you've ever read so i'm really excited about your ideas and criticism.