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Planning dynamic indexing implementation

Fritz Obermeyer edited this page Jun 13, 2017 · 17 revisions

Make run-time getDependencies work.

The idea here is to support run-time determination of descendant nodes but (at first) do so for a static graph. This will allow benchmarking of the computational cost. For dynamic dependencies, we will also need to do topological sorting at run-time, and we can add that step later. If we get getDependencies working, I think it will be simple to add a topological sorting step with perhaps just one additional function call. (CJP: I think the conclusion is that the last two sentences should be removed.)

Some pointers to relevant code:

  • Seeing what goes into C++ getDependencies from R currently: When we do model$getDependencies in R, the call to C++ comes from here which goes through here.

  • Seeing the C++ nimbleGraph and graphNode classes: In C++, the relevant classes are in include/nimble/nimbleGraph.h and include/CppCode/nimbleGraph.cpp

  • Seeing where the getDependencies is called from inside C++ when called from R: The SEXP entry point is here. This unpacks a nimbleGraph* (passed in a SEXP external pointer) and calls its getDependencies method.

  • Seeing the C++ representation of a "nodeFunctionVector:" The C++ "nodeFunctionVector" class is NodeVectorClassNew. (There is an old version lying around the code that should probably be cleaned up).

  • Seeing how a nodeVectorClassNew object is used by calculate(): A function like calculate iterates through the vector<oneNodeUseInfo> useInfoVec. Each oneNodeUseInfo has a nodeFun* and a useInfoForIndexedNodeInfo. This last class contains only a vector<int>, but it is set up as a class so it is easier to put additional content into it if we need to in the future. If we use the idea of wrapping a nodeFunctionVector in a "getNodes" function, we won't need to modify calculate etc.

  • Seeing where a nodeFunctionVector is created in R. This is normally done by newSetupCode generated from keyword processing of calculate or one of the other model methods. The keyword processor uses the nodeFunctionVector_SetupTemplate, which shows it will create a call to nimble:::nodeFunctionVector. If you want to actually see the newSetupCode, here is an example of how to do so:


m <- nimbleModel( nimbleCode({a ~ dnorm(0,1)}))

nf <- nimbleFunction(
    setup = function(model, node) {},
    run = function() {
        ans <- model$calculate(node)

nf1 <- nf(m, 'a')
compiled <- compileNimble(m, nf1)


which shows this line of newSetupCode:

model_node_nodeFxnVector_includeData_TRUE_SU <- nimble:::nodeFunctionVector(model = model, 
    nodeNames = node, excludeData = FALSE, sortUnique = TRUE, 
    errorContext = "calculate(model = model, nodes = node)")
  • Seeing where the contents of a C++ nodeFunctionVectorNew are populated from R during compileNimble: This is done by populateNodeFxnVecNew There are two places from which this is called, corresponding to our "full interfaces" and "multi-interfaces":copyFromRObjectViaActiveBindings (which for a nodeFxnVec does not actually use active bindings, despite the function name); and copyFromRobject

  • Seeing the mapping from BUGS declaration IDs to nodeFunction pointers: For convenience when populating C++ objects from R, early on we create a C++ object that stores the nodeFunction pointer for every BUGS declaration ID. Then when we need them later we can easily get them. An example of using this object is here. That external pointer SEXP may be needed in the suggested plan below. (For future reference, it is populated here )

Suggested plan

I'm sure this won't be all right, but here is a try at outlining the steps.

  • Make a version of model$getDependencies that returns an object annotated to need run-time dependencies. Since the current return object is a character vector, I think it will be easiest to simply add an attribute to it. Making a new class for it would require modification at every step where it is used, and that could become a huge pain since we sometimes do expect it to behave as a character vector. [CJP: could the new class behave such that trying to get its value as if it were a character vector behaves as it currently does, but potentially via more complicated processing? Sort of like the indexVar idea for triggering run-time graph updates...]

  • Make the keyword processor for calculate (assuming that is the trial function for now) change from substituting on calculate(nodeFxnVector = NODEFUNVEC_NAME) to substituting on calculate(nodeFxnVector = getNodes(NODEFUNVEC_NAME)).

  • For R execution: write getNodes(nodes) so if nodes is annotated for run-time dependencies, it does that step and returns the dependencies. Otherwise it just returns nodes as is.

  • Modify C++ NodeVectorClassNew to have a new variable flagging whether it requires run-time dependency lookup. It probably also needs to have a nimbleGraph*, unless we plumb that information in via another route. And it probably needs to have access to the .nodeFxnPointers_byDeclID (or equivalent) in order to convert BUGS declaration IDs into nodeFunction pointers.

  • Modify R populateNodeFxnVecNew and the C++ SEXP function it calls to populate additional new content of the NodeVectorClassNew when necessary. Note that in populateNodeFxnVecNew, the Robject will be whatever was returned from nimble:::nodeFunctionVector (in the newSetupCode constructed from the setup template during keyword processing).

  • Write a C++ version of getNodes(nodeFxnVec) that either returns nodeFxnVec as is (if run-time dependency is not needed) or uses the nimbleGraph to obtain run-time dependencies as needed.

  • Either in C++ getNodes or a helper function, rearrange the results of nimbleGraph::getDependencies into the nodeFxnVec member data, similarly to how it comes out via populateNodeFxnVecNew. This will require looking up the nodeFunction from BUGS declaration IDs using the "NumberedObjects" object pointed to by .nodeFxnPointers_byDeclID in R.
    (The NumberedObjects class is an abstraction that didn't really take off and so may look silly.) Also beware of 1-based vs. 0-based indexing. When populating a NodeVectorClassNew from R, we go through populateNodeFxnVectorNew_byDeclID, which subtracts 1s from indices.

Later steps

  • Move C++ version of topologicalSort into working branch and get it called at run-time as well. (Per Slack discussion, this probably won't be necessary, since we can do topologicalSort at compile-time.)

Make modification of nodes flagged as dynamic indices trigger run-time update of graph

  • make indexVar class that contains:

    • value
    • assignment operator that also triggers update of graph
    • graphID whose value this is
    • etc.
  • write graph update function that takes dynamic index node, and updates parent info for its indexed dependents and updates child info of the relevant parents

  • create getIndices analog to getParam to compute current values of indices; this will allow recomputation of edges when a node involved in a stochastic index changes

Make R graph construction handle dynamic indices

Code notes

  • The monster function, misnamed, that does a huge amount of graph construction steps and is crying to be refactored, is modelDefClass::genExpandedNodeAndParentNames3.

  • I suggest we get scalar dynamic indexing working before expanding to cases like mu[static_i, foo(stochastic_k[i])] or mu[ stochastic_k[i], stochastic_j[i] ]. (CJP changed : to , as I believe that is what PdV intended)

Specific plan

  • Modify getSymbolicParentNodes so that if we have y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[ foo(k[i]) ], 1) on the RHS, with k[i] non-constant, the BUGSdeclClass objects in the declInfo list will have:

    • symbolicParentNodes will include mu[NA] and USED_IN_INDEX_(k[i]) (or similar idea).
    • parentIndexNamePieces has some suitable entry for mu[NA], maybe list(NA).
  • Update uses of symbolicParentNodes and parentIndexNamePieces (e.g. for determining variables and their declared ranges) to not break for entries like mu[NA].

  • At some step in genExpandedNodeAndParentNames3, create a vector or "vars" environment to record usedInDynamicIndex status (TRUE | FALSE) and strip the "USED_IN_INDEX_" from symbolicParentNodes entries. (CJP: expecting this to be straightforward but not yet done)

  • (CJP) I think we may want an object within each declInfo that indicates the nodes that stochastically determine the indexing of any parameters (somewhat analogous to parentIndexNamePieces) -- this will allow us to know that a node's parents for a given parameter are determined by stochastic indexing. But it may be that simply having mu[i] depend on k[i] (with k[i] flagged as a stochastic index) and having getIndex() will allow us to do the edge determination we will need to do when we get dependencies.

  • At some step in genExpandedNodeAndParentNames3, create vertices like mu_UNKNOWN_INDEX_ for nodes that appear anywhere with NA in a symbolicParentNodes entry.

  • Add collection of edges from each mu[i] to mu_UNKNOWN_INDEX_ and from mu_UNKNOWN_INDEX to each 'y[i]`.

  • Determine where mu_UNKOWN_INDEX_ fits in the graph if there are also split vertices for mu. I think it would be a descendent of any split vertices. (CJP note - yes that is how I've implemented it)

  • We discussed not lifting expressions of dynamic indices to such that don't need to worry about deterministic dependencies when recalculate graph upon change to the relevant node values

  • (General opportunity for BUGS model processing) Write unit tests of individual steps, not just as we have of at entire model at once. This will help us keep clear in future on relevant use cases.

(Later) Explore computational shortcuts to reduce dependency processing

  • save dependencies when no stochastic indices are present and simply return them

  • save fixed dependencies and don't recompute them; simply concatenate them with the recomputed dependencies

  • explore possibility of checking in the dependencies object if graph has been recomputed; if not simply return cached dependencies; this might rely on having a running counter in the graph that indicates the present state of the graph; a dependencies object can store what it thinks is the current state and only recalculate if the states are discordant

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