A MediaWiki extension that selective sync's your wiki with multiple other wikis.
Download this repo on your extensions folder
Add the following on your LocalSettings.php: wfLoadExtension( 'Sync' );
Run the following command on your main directory: "composer require google/cloud-translate"
Run the following command on your main directory: "composer require nischayn22/mediawiki-api:dev-master"
Set environment variables for the Cloud Translate API. See https://cloud.google.com/translate/docs/reference/libraries#client-libraries-install-php
// Add any such lines for multiple wikis
$wgSyncWikis[] = array(
'api_path' => "http://localhost/test",
'username' => "Nischayn22",
'password' => "Password",
'copy_ns' => array( 0 ),
'live_edit' => true,
'live_create' => true,
'live_move' => true,
'live_delete' => true,
'translate' => true,
'translate_to' => 'hi'