The NJOY Nuclear Data Processing System is a modular computer code designed to read evaluated data in ENDF format, transform the data in various ways, and output the results as libraries designed to be used in various applications. Each module performs a well defined processing task. The modules are essentially independent programs, and they communicate with each other using input and output files, plus a very few common variables.
The user manual for NJOY2016 can be found here: NJOY User Manual (pdf).
For the latest version of NJOY2016 and an overview of the latest changes, please see the Release Notes or the release page.
The latest release version of NJOY2016 can always be found at the head of the main branch of this repository and every release is associated to a release tag. New versions are released on a regular basis (we aim to provide updates at least every three months). The latest development version of NJOY2016 containing the latest updates and changes can be found in at the head of the develop branch. This development version should be used with caution.
The following are the prerequisites for compiling NJOY2016:
- git
- cmake 3.15 or higher
- a Fortran 2003 compliant compiler such as gcc-7 or higher
Note: gcc-11.3 has been known to produce an internal compiler error while compiling NJOY2016, so as a result this specific version of gcc is not supported. Other versions of gcc (version 7 or higher) seem to be capable of compiling NJOY2016.
To compile the latest NJOY2016 version, you can use the following instructions:
git clone
cd NJOY2016
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../
make -j8
The above instructions will produce a release build consisting of a dynamic library and dynamically linked executable. To compile a static version (i.e. the executable is not a dynamically linked executable), the cmake command shown above should be replaced with the following cmake command:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -Dstatic_libraries=ON
-Dstatic_njoy=ON -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-static ../
When you have already cloned the NJOY2016 repository and wish to update to the latest version, you can use the following instructions (inside the build folder):
git pull
make -j8
directs the flow of data through the other modules and contains a library of common functions and subroutines used by the other modules.RECONR
reconstructs pointwise (energy-dependent) cross sections from ENDF resonance parameters and interpolation schemes.BROADR
Doppler broadens and thins pointwise cross sections.UNRESR
computes effective self-shielded pointwise cross sections in the unresolved energy range.HEATR
generates pointwise heat production cross sections (KERMA coefficients) and radiation-damage cross sections.THERMR
produces cross sections and energy-to-energy matrices for free or bound scatterers in the thermal energy range.GROUPR
generates self-shielded multigroup cross sections, group-to-group scattering matrices, photon-production matrices, and charged-particle cross sections from pointwise input.GAMINR
calculates multigroup photoatomic cross sections, KERMA coefficients, and group-to-group photon scattering matrices.ERRORR
computes multigroup covariance matrices from ENDF uncertainties.COVR
reads the output ofERRORR
and performs covariance plotting and output formatting operations.MODER
converts ENDF "tapes" back and forth between ASCII format and the special NJOY blocked-binary format.DTFR
formats multigroup data for transport codes that accept formats based in the DTF-IV code.CCCCR
formats multigroup data for theCCCC
standard interface files ISOTXS, BRKOXS, and DLAYXS.MATXSR
formats multigroup data for the newerMATXS
material cross-section interface file, which works with the TRANSX code to make libraries for many particle transport codes.RESXSR
prepares pointwise cross sections in a CCCC-like form for thermal flux calculators.ACER
prepares libraries inACE
format for the Los Alamos continuous-energy Monte Carlo code MCNP.POWR
prepares libraries for the EPRI-CELL and EPRI-CPM codes.WIMSR
prepares libraries for the thermal reactor assembly codes WIMS-D and WIMS-E.PLOTR
reads ENDF-format files and prepares plots of cross sections or perspective views of distributions for output using VIEWR.VIEWR
takes the output ofPLOTR
, or special graphics fromHEATR
, orACER
, and converts the plots into Postscript format for printing or screen display.MIXR
is used to combine cross sections into elements or other mixtures, mainly for plotting.PURR
generates unresolved-resonance probability tables for use in representing resonance self-shielding effects in the MCNP Monte Carlo code.LEAPR
generates ENDF scattering-law files (File 7) for moderator materials in the thermal range. These scattering-law files can be used byTHERMR
to produce the corresponding cross sections.GASPR
generates gas-production cross sections in pointwise format from basic reaction data in an ENDF evaluation. These results can be converted to multigroup form usingGROUPR
, passed toACER
, or displayed usingPLOTR
This software is distributed and copyrighted according to the LICENSE file.