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Configuration Options

hadiyachishti edited this page Jun 13, 2024 · 6 revisions

The Sugarscape simulation allows for customization through a JSON configuration file, enabling users to override default settings and explore different scenarios to understand how various factors influence the simulation outcomes.

Below are descriptions of some key configuration options and their importance:

Agent Properties

Aggression Factor: [0, 0] Description: Sets the aggressiveness of agents.
Importance: Higher aggression increases the likelihood of combat among agents.
Effect: Influences the frequency and intensity of agent conflicts.

Base Interest Rate: [0.0, 0.0]
Description: Sets the interest rate for lending.
Importance: Affects economic interactions and resource accumulation.
Effect: Determines the cost of loans and economic dynamics.

Decision Model Factor: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the weight of the decision model against biological imperatives.
Importance: Balances rational decision-making with instinctual behaviors.
Effect: Regulates agent behavior complexity.

Decision Models: ["none"]
Description: Defines the decision-making models for agents.
Importance: Determines how agents make choices.
Effect: Influences simulation outcomes based on decision strategies.

Female Infertility Age: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the age at which female agents become infertile.
Importance: Affects population dynamics.
Effect: Impacts birth rates and agent lifespan.

Female Fertility Age: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the age at which female agents become fertile.
Importance: Influences reproductive timing.
Effect: Determines the period during which agents can reproduce.

Fertility Factor: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the fertility bonus for agents.
Importance: Regulates reproductive efficiency.
Effect: Affects resource expenditure for reproduction.

Immune System Length: 0
Description: Sets the length of agent immune system tags.
Importance: Influences disease resistance.
Effect: Determines the complexity of immune responses.

Inheritance Policy: "none"
Description: Defines the wealth inheritance policy on agent death.
Importance: Affects resource distribution and social structure.
Effect: Regulates wealth transfer between agents.

Lending Factor: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the aggressiveness of lending behavior.
Importance: Influences economic interactions.
Effect: Affects interest rates and loan availability.

Loan Duration: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the duration of loans in timesteps.
Importance: Determines the time frame for loan repayment.
Effect: Influences economic cycles.

Lookahead Factor: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the consideration of future metabolic costs.
Importance: Balances short-term and long-term planning.
Effect: Affects resource management strategies.

Male Infertility Age: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the age at which male agents become infertile.
Importance: Affects population dynamics.
Effect: Impacts birth rates and agent lifespan.

Male Fertility Age: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the age at which male agents become fertile.
Importance: Influences reproductive timing.
Effect: Determines the period during which agents can reproduce.

Male to Female Ratio: 1.0
Description: Sets the ratio of males to females in the starting population.
Importance: Affects initial population structure.
Effect: Influences mating dynamics and population growth.

Max Age: [-1, -1]
Description: Sets the maximum age of agents.
Importance: Determines agent lifespan.
Effect: Influences population turnover and generational changes.

Max Friends: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the maximum number of friends an agent can have.
Importance: Affects social interactions and networks.
Effect: Regulates social behavior and support structures.

Movement: [1, 6]
Description: Sets the maximum movement distance per timestep.
Importance: Determines agent mobility.
Effect: Influences resource access and territorial dynamics.

Movement Mode: "cardinal"
Description: Sets the directionality of agent movement.
Importance: Affects movement patterns.
Effect: Influences how agents navigate the environment.

Replacements: 0
Description: Sets the number of agents replaced on death.
Importance: Influences population stability.
Effect: Regulates population size and replacement rates.

Selfishness Factor: [-1, -1]
Description: Sets the weight of egoistic decisions.
Importance: Balances altruistic and selfish behaviors.
Effect: Affects ethical decision-making.

Spice Metabolism: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the metabolism rate for spice.
Importance: Determines resource consumption.
Effect: Influences agent survival and resource needs.

Starting Spice: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the initial spice held by agents.
Importance: Affects starting resource levels.
Effect: Influences initial survival and economic status.

Starting Sugar: [10, 40]
Description: Sets the initial sugar held by agents.
Importance: Affects starting resource levels.
Effect: Influences initial survival and economic status.

Starting Quadrants: [1, 2, 3, 4]
Description: Sets the initial placement quadrants for agents.
Importance: Determines initial spatial distribution.
Effect: Influences initial resource access and interaction patterns.

Sugar Metabolism: [1, 4]
Description: Sets the metabolism rate for sugar.
Importance: Determines resource consumption.
Effect: Influences agent survival and resource needs.

Tag String Length: 0
Description: Sets the length of cultural tags.
Importance: Influences cultural diversity.
Effect: Determines the complexity of cultural interactions.

Trade Factor: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the aggressiveness of trading behavior.
Importance: Affects economic interactions.
Effect: Influences trade volume and resource exchange.

Universal Spice: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the universal basic spice income.
Importance: Provides baseline resources.
Effect: Affects resource distribution and agent survival.

Universal Sugar: [0, 0]
Description: Sets the universal basic sugar income.
Importance: Provides baseline resources.
Effect: Affects resource distribution and agent survival.

Vision: [1, 6]
Description: Sets the distance agents can see.
Importance: Determines perceptual range.
Effect: Influences resource detection and movement decisions.

Vision Mode: "cardinal"
Description: Sets the directionality of vision.
Importance: Affects how agents perceive the environment.
Effect: Influences navigation and resource location.

Environment Properties

Equator: -1
Description: Sets the equator for seasonal changes.
Importance: Determines environmental zones.
Effect: Influences resource availability and agent migration.

Height: 50
Description: Sets the height of the environment.
Importance: Determines the vertical size of the simulation space.
Effect: Influences spatial dynamics.

Max Combat Loot: 0 Description: Sets the maximum reward for winning combat.
Importance: Affects incentives for conflict.
Effect: Influences combat frequency and outcomes.

Max Spice: 0
Description: Sets the maximum spice at any cell.
Importance: Determines resource abundance.
Effect: Influences resource competition and distribution.

Max Sugar: 4
Description: Sets the maximum sugar at any cell.
Importance: Determines resource abundance.
Effect: Influences resource competition and distribution.

Max Tribes: 0
Description: Sets the maximum number of tribes.
Importance: Affects social structures.
Effect: Influences group dynamics and interactions.

Pollution Diffusion Delay: 0
Description: Sets the delay for pollution spread.
Importance: Affects environmental impact.
Effect: Influences pollution dynamics and agent behavior.

Seasonal Growback Delay: 0
Description: Sets the delay for seasonal regrowth of resources.
Importance: Determines resource renewal timing.
Effect: Influences resource availability cycles.

Season Interval: 0
Description: Sets the interval for seasonal changes.
Importance: Affects environmental variability.
Effect: Influences agent adaptation to changing conditions.

Spice Consumption Pollution Factor: 0
Description: Sets the pollution factor for spice consumption.
Importance: Determines environmental impact of consumption.
Effect: Influences pollution levels and resource use.

Spice Peaks: [ [15, 15], [35, 35] ]
Description: Sets the locations of spice peaks.
Importance: Determines high resource areas.
Effect: Influences agent migration and resource competition.

Spice Production Pollution Factor: 0
Description: Sets the pollution factor for spice production.
Importance: Determines environmental impact of production.
Effect: Influences pollution levels and resource generation.

Spice Regrow Rate: 0
Description: Sets the regrowth rate for spice.
Importance: Determines resource renewal speed.
Effect: Influences resource availability and sustainability.

Sugar Consumption Pollution Factor: 0
Description: Sets the pollution factor for sugar consumption.
Importance: Determines environmental impact of consumption.
Effect: Influences pollution levels and resource use.

Sugar Peaks: [ [15, 35], [35, 15] ]
Description: Sets the locations of sugar peaks.
Importance: Determines high resource areas.
Effect: Influences agent migration and resource competition.

Sugar Production Pollution Factor: 0
Description: Sets the pollution factor for sugar production.
Importance: Determines environmental impact of production.
Effect: Influences pollution levels and resource generation.

Sugar Regrow Rate: 1
Description: Sets the regrowth rate for sugar.
Importance: Determines resource renewal speed.
Effect: Influences resource availability and sustainability.

Universal Spice Income Interval: 0
Description: Sets the interval for universal spice income.
Importance: Provides regular resource income.
Effect: Influences resource stability and agent survival.

Universal Sugar Income Interval: 0
Description: Sets the interval for universal sugar income.
Importance: Provides regular resource income.
Effect: Influences resource stability and agent survival.

Width: 50
Description: Sets the width of the environment.
Importance: Determines the horizontal size of the simulation space.
Effect: Influences spatial dynamics.

Simulation Properties

Headless Mode: false
Description: Enables the user to run the simulation without a graphical interface.
Importance: Useful for server-based or automated runs
Effect: Allows for efficient, non-interactive simulations.

Interface Height: 1000
Description: Sets the height of the simulation interface.
Importance: Determines the size of the graphical interface.
Effect: Affects the user experience.

Interface Width: 900
Description: Sets the width of the simulation interface.
Importance: Determines the size of the graphical interface.
Effect: Affects the user experience.

Log File: ""
Description: Specifies the log file name.
Importance: Enables recording of simulation data.
Effect: Facilitates data analysis and debugging.

Log File Format: "json"
Description: Sets the format for the log file.
Importance: Determines how data is recorded.
Effect: Influences data readability and processing.

Neighborhood Mode: "vonNeumann"
Description: Sets the neighborhood interaction model.
Importance: Determines agent interaction patterns.
Effect: Influences local dynamics and resource competition.

Profile Mode: false
Description: Enables profiling of the simulation.
Importance: Useful for performance analysis.
Effect: Helps identify performance bottlenecks.

Seed: -1
Description: Sets the random seed for reproducibility.
Importance: Ensures consistent simulation runs.
Effect: Allows for repeatable experiments.

Starting Agents: 500
Description: Sets the initial number of agents.
Importance: Determines the initial population size.
Effect: Influences early simulation dynamics.

Starting Diseases: 0
Description: Sets the number of initial diseases.
Importance: Affects initial health conditions.
Effect: Influences disease dynamics.

Timesteps: 200
Description: Sets the number of simulation timesteps.
Importance: Determines the duration of the simulation.
Effect: Influences the time frame of observed dynamics.

Additional Configuration Options

Bash Alias: "bash"
Description: Sets the alias for Bash commands.
Importance: Ensures correct command execution.
Effect: Influences shell script execution.

Decision Models: [ [ "none" ] ]
Description: Defines the decision-making models for agents.
Importance: Determines agent behavior strategies.
Effect: Influences simulation outcomes.

Job Update Frequency: 5
Description: Sets the frequency for job updates.
Importance: Affects job scheduling.
Effect: Influences task management.

Num Parallel Sim Jobs: 1
Description: Sets the number of parallel simulation jobs.
Importance: Determines simulation concurrency.
Effect: Influences performance and efficiency.

Num Seeds: 100
Description: Sets the number of random seeds.
Importance: Provides diversity in simulation runs.
Effect: Allows for varied experiments.

Plots: [ "population", "meanttl", "starvationCombat", "wealth", "wealthNormalized" ]
Description: Defines the plots to generate.
Importance: Determines the data visualization.
Effect: Provides insights into simulation results.

Plot Timesteps: 1000
Description: Sets the timesteps for generating plots.
Importance: Determines data collection intervals.
Effect: Influences the granularity of visual data.

Python Alias: "python"
Description: Sets the alias for Python commands.
Importance: Ensures correct command execution.
Effect: Influences script execution.

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