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pyral - A Python toolkit for the Rally REST API

The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Rally REST Web Services API using JSON.

As of July 2015, the Rally Software Development company was acquired by CA Technologies. The Rally product itself has been rebranded as 'Agile Central'. Over time, the documentation will transition from using the term 'Rally' to using 'Agile Central'.

Rally has created a Python package that you can quickly leverage to interact with the data in your subscription via the REST web services API. You can create, read, update, and delete the common artifacts and other entities via the Python toolkit for Rally.

Files are available at the download page .

The git repository is available at

Obtain the requests package and install it according to that package's directions. As of requests-2.0.0, there is support for HTTPS over HTTP proxy via the CONNECT request. Use of requests-2.x or better is recommended for use with pyral. The requests package can be found via the Python Package Index site (http://pypi/ The most recent release of pyral (1.2.0) has been tested using requests 2.8.1.

Unpack the pyral distribution file (zip or tar.gz) and then install the pyral package.

python install

Use whatever setup options you need for your particular Python environment.

Fire up a command line Python interpreter. Attempt to import the relevant packages.

$ python
Python 2.7.11 [other Python interpreter info elided ...]
>> import requests
>> import pyral
>> pyral.__version__
(1, 2, 0)

Since Python is a very flexible and extensible language, we were able to make access to the object model extremely simple. For example, if you have a a UserStory instance returned by a pyral operation assigned to the name story, the following code iterates over the tasks.

for task in story.Tasks:
   print task.Name

There is no need to make a separate call to fetch all the tasks for the story. When you follow domain model attributes in the Python code, the Python toolkit for Rally REST API machinery automatically loads in the necessary objects for you.

The complete documentation for the Python toolkit for Rally REST API is in the doc/build/html subdirectory in the repository. The rendered version of this is also available at

Common setup code

import sys
from pyral import Rally, rallyWorkset
options = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg.startswith('--')]
args    = [arg for arg in sys.argv[1:] if arg not in options]
server, user, password, apikey, workspace, project = rallyWorkset(options)
rally = Rally(server, user, password, workspace=workspace, project=project)
Show a TestCase identified by the FormattedID value.
Copy the above boilerplate and the following code fragment and save it in a file named
query_criteria = 'FormattedID = "%s"' % args[0]
response = rally.get('TestCase', fetch=True, query=query_criteria)
if response.errors:
for testCase in response:  # there should only be one qualifying TestCase
    print "%s %s %s %s" % (testCase.Name, testCase.Type,
                           testCase.DefectStatus, testCase.LastVerdict)
  • Run it by providing the FormattedID value of your targeted TestCase as a command line argument

    python TC1184

Get a list of workspaces and projects for your subscription
Copy the above boilerplate and the following code fragment and save it in a file called
workspaces = rally.getWorkspaces()
for wksp in workspaces:
    print "%s %s" % (wksp.oid, wksp.Name)
    projects = rally.getProjects(workspace=wksp.Name)
    for proj in projects:
        print "    %12.12s  %s" % (proj.oid, proj.Name)
  • Run the script


Get a list of all users in a specific workspace
Copy the above boilerplate and the following code fragment and save it in a file called
all_users = rally.getAllUsers()
    for user in all_users:
        tz   = user.UserProfile.TimeZone or 'default'
        role = user.Role or '-No Role-'
        values = (int(user.oid), user.Name, user.UserName, role, tz)
        print("%12.12d %-24.24s %-30.30s %-12.12s" % values)
  • Run the script

    python --rallyWorkspace="Product Engineering"

Create a new Defect
Copy the above boilerplate and the following code fragment and save it in a file called
proj = rally.getProject()

# get the first (and hopefully only) user whose DisplayName is 'Sally Submitter'
user = rally.getUserInfo(name='Sally Submitter').pop(0)

defect_data = { "Project" : proj.ref, "SubmittedBy" : user.ref,
                "Name" : name, "Severity" : severity, "Priority" : priority,
                "State" : "Open", "ScheduleState" : "Defined",
                "Description" : description }
    defect = rally.create('Defect', defect_data)
except Exception, details:
    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n' % details)
print "Defect created, ObjectID: %s  FormattedID: %s" % (defect.oid, defect.FormattedID)
  • Run the script

    python <Name> <severity> <priority> <description>

    making sure to provide valid severity and priority values for your workspace

Update an existing Defect
Copy the above boilerplate and the following code fragment and save it in a file called .
 defectID, customer, target_date, notes = args[:4]
 # target_date must be in ISO-8601 format "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ"

 defect_data = { "FormattedID" : defectID,
                 "Customer"    : customer,
                 "TargetDate"  : target_date,
                 "Notes"       : notes
    defect = rally.update('Defect', defect_data)
except Exception, details:
    sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s \n' % details)

print "Defect %s updated" % defect.FormattedID
  • Run the script

    python <Defect FormattedID> <customer> <target_date> <notes text...>

The pyral package uses a priority chain of files, environment variables and command line arguments to set the configuration context when an instance of the Rally class is created. See the complete documentation for detailed information on this mechanism. Here's a brief description of how you can specify a configuration when you create an instance of the Rally class.

Configuration file settings

Config file item Description
SERVER Rally server (example
USER Rally subscription UserName value
PASSWORD password for the Rally subscription UserName
APIKEY Rally API Key value
WORKSPACE Rally Workspace
PROJECT Rally Project

The item names in config files are case sensitive.

Command line options

Command line option Description
--rallyConfig=<config_file_name> name of the file with settings for pyral
--config=<config_file_name> ditto
--conf=<config_file_name> ditto
--cfg=<config_file_name> ditto
--rallyUser=<foo> your Rally UserName
--rallyPassword=<bar> password associated with the Rally UserName
--apikey=<APIKey> valid Rally API Key value
--rallyWorkspace=<bar> Workspace in Rally you want to interact with
--rallyProject=<bar> Project in Rally you want to interact with
  • Python 2.6 or 2.7 (2.7 is preferred) OR
  • Python 3.5 (this package not tested with earlier versions of Python 3.x)
  • The requests package, 2.0.0 or better (2.0.0 finally includes support for https proxy), requests 2.8.1 is recommended.

Support for Python 3.5.x Begin deprecation sequence for pinging the Rally server before the connection attempt,

initially with this version, allow option on instantiation to bypass ping.

Added ability to rankAbove, rankBelow, rankToTop, rankToBottom for an Artifact. Fixed defect where user has no default workspace or project.

addAttachment now correctly handles binary file, attachment size limit increased to 50MB to match Agile Central limit. Exception generated when running getAllUsers when credentials are for non Subscription/Workspace Administrator has been fixed. Added ability to work with a single Workspace, which has beneficial performance effect for Subscriptions with a large number of Workspaces. Modified internal attribute handling to limit calls to get attribute's allowed values to qualifying attribute types. Added examples/ script.


Modified to allow it to pass back PortfolioItem sub type instances. Modified defect referencing non-existing req_type instance var by changing

reference to request_type.

Modified to use user, dropped auth_user. Modified to be more defensive when user has no associated UserProfile. Modified to account for use of Cygwin in Pinger code. Modified to handle encoding of attachment content to match Rally expectations. Modified to handle querying of SchedulableArtifact instances. Modified to handle querying and hydrating of PortfolioItem instances more completely. Modified to provide rudimentary support for querying of RecycleBin entries. Modified and added to provide a search method for pyral Rally instances. Modified to better handle some boundary conditions when response body item counts

differ from what is stated in the TotalResultCount.

Modified to account for scenario where user's default workspace has no projects. Modified to return correct project.

Introduction of support to use Rally API Key and rallyWorkset (supercedes rallySettings). Two relatively minor defects fixed dealing with internalizing environment vars for initialization and in retrieving Rally entity attribute allowed values.
Patch to address defect with Rally WSAPI v2.0 projects collection endpoint providing conflicting information.
Default WSAPI version in config is v2.0. This version is not compatible with Rally WSAPI version 1.x. Adjusted the RallyUrlBuilder (via RallyQueryFormatter) to be more resilient with respect to many more "special" characters (non-alphanumeric). Retrieving the meta data uses the v2.0 schema endpoint. No longer support a version keyword argument when obtaining a Rally instance.
Adjusted Rally __init__ to accommodate using requests 0.x, 1.x, 2.x versions. Factored out query building and fixed constructing multi condition queries. Added internal convenience method to handle a list of refs to turn them into a list of single key (_ref) hashes. Added UserIterationCapacity to known entities. Upped default WSAPI version in config to 1.43. Support using of https_proxy / HTTPS_PROXY environment variables. Refactored getAllUsers to include UserProfile information with fewer queries.
Fixed Pinger class to use correct ping options on Linux and Windows. Updated exception catching and exception raising to Python 2.6/2.7 syntax.

Fixed getProject to take optional project name argument. Added HTTP header item in to set Content-Type to 'application/json'. Added recognition of verify_ssl_cert=True/False as keyword argment to Rally constructor. Explicit specification results in passing a verify=True/False to the underlying requests package. This can be useful when dealing with an expired SSL certificate. Upped default WSAPI version in to 1.37 to support dyna-types (specifically PortfolioItem and sub-types). Modified addAttachment to conform with non-backward compatible change in Rally WSAPI involving how an attachment is related to an artifact. Fixed defect in calculating an Attachment file size (use pre-encoded rather than post-encoded size).

This release is intended as the final beta before a 1.0 release.

Upped default WSAPI version in to 1.30 All entities that are subclasses of WorkspaceDomainObject now have a details method that show the attribute values in an easy to read multiline format. Dropped attempted discrimination of server value to determine if it is a name or an IPv4 address. No longer look for http_proxy in environment, only https_proxy. Introduced convenience methods dealing with attachments. Corrected resource URL construction for the major ops (GET, PUT, POST, DEL) when project=None specified (useful for Workspace spanning activities).
Fixed premature exercise of iterator in initial response
Fixed inappropriate error message when initial connect attempt timed out. Message had stated that the target server did not speak the Rally WSAPI. Improved context handling with respect to workspace and project settings.
Attempted to bolster proxy handling. Limited success as there is an outstanding issue in requests (urllib3) not implementing CONNECT for https over http.
initial attempt at providing proxy support
added warn=True/False to Rally instantiation
Initial release on
  • Investigate permanent location for web-access to rendered documentation
  • Dynamically construct the Rally schema hierarchy economically.

BSD3-style license. Copyright (c) 2015-2016 CA Technologies, 2010-2015 Rally Software Development.

See the LICENSE file provided with the source distribution for full details.

  • GitHub for repository hosting services.
  • ReadTheDocs for documentation hosting services.


Python Toolkit for Rally







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  • Python 100.0%