Welcome to the c64vm-asm project! This repository houses the assembler designed specifically for the custom assembly language used with the c64vm project. This tool aims to facilitate the conversion of human-readable assembly code into binary machine code that can be executed by the virtual machine.
The c64vm-asm project serves as a vital companion to the c64vm virtual machine project. This assembler is designed to take assembly code written in the custom assembly language and convert it into the binary format compatible with the c64vm environment. As part of the development process, this project is undergoing continuous refinement and improvement.
Please note that c64vm-asm is still a work in progress.
To compile the c64vm-asm project, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine.
Navigate to the repository directory.
Run the following command to compile the project:
The current usage involves running the compiled c64asm
executable, providing it with input filenames as arguments:
./c64asm input2.c64asm input.c64asm
The program will initiate execution starting from the first line of the last provided file (input.c64asm
LDI r1, $119699 ; Load the number to check for primality
TF r3, r1 ; Copy r1 to r3 to keep the original number intact
CMPI r1, $2 ; Compare the number with 2
JLT NOT_PRIME ; Jump to NOT_PRIME if the number is less than 2
JEQ PRIME ; Jump to PRIME if the number is exactly 2
TF r4, r3 ; Copy r3 to r4
MODI r4, $2 ; r4 = r4 % 2
JEQ NOT_PRIME ; If even, it's not prime
TF r1, r3 ; Copy the number to r1 before calling square root subroutine
BRA SQRT_SUBROUTINE ; Branch to the square root subroutine
TF r4, r1 ; Copy the result back to r4 to use as limit in the loop
LDI r5, $3 ; Start divisor from 3
CMP r5, r4 ; Compare divisor with sqrt(n)
JGT PRIME ; If divisor > sqrt(n), it is prime
TF r6, r3 ; Copy the number to r6 for modulus operation
MOD r6, r5 ; r6 = r6 % r5
JEQ NOT_PRIME ; If divisible, not prime
ADDI r5, $2 ; Increment divisor by 2 (check only odd numbers)
JMP LOOP ; Repeat loop
LDI r2, $1 ; Mark as prime
JMP END ; Go to end
LDI r2, $0 ; Mark as not prime
HLT ; Halt the program
PUSH R2 ; Save R2 on stack
PUSH R3 ; Save R3 on stack
PUSH R4 ; Save R4 on stack
TF R2, R1 ; Copy R1 to R2, initial guess (assume starting guess is the number itself)
SHRI R2, $1 ; R2 = R2 / 2 (half the number as initial guess)
LDI r4, $20 ; Number of iterations, adjust based on required precision
TF R3, R1 ; Copy R1 to R3 for division
DIV R3, R2 ; R3 = R1 / R2
ADD R2, R3 ; R2 = R2 + R3
SHRI R2, $1 ; R2 = R2 / 2, new guess
SUBI R4, $1 ; Decrement R4
CMPI R4, $0 ; Check if R4 is zero
JNE LOOP ; If R4 is not zero, loop again
TF R1, R2 ; Copy the final guess back to R1
POP R4 ; Restore R4 from stack
POP R3 ; Restore R3 from stack
POP R2 ; Restore R2 from stack
RET ; Return from subroutine
Since the project is a work in progress the syntax usage example might not be up to date.
This project is licensed under the MIT License, allowing you to use, modify, and distribute the software according to the terms outlined in the license.
Disclaimer: c64vm-asm is actively being developed, and as a result, the information provided here might evolve over time.