Build NoHarm Integration
Based on
For Ubuntu and Debian:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-compose-plugin
For RPM-based distros:
sudo yum update
sudo yum install docker-compose-plugin
Docker Install Ubuntu
git clone
cd nifi-composer
sudo chown $USER /var/run/docker.sock
docker compose up -d
Wait until the containers/nifi web are ready...
docker logs noharm-nifi --tail 500 | grep "JettyServer NiFi has started"
docker exec --user="root" -t noharm-nifi sh -c /opt/nifi/scripts/ext/
docker exec --user="root" -t noharm-nifi apt update
docker exec --user="root" -t noharm-nifi apt install nano vim awscli wget -y
docker restart noharm-nifi
- Check if the certificate is valid for 200 years (in the browser):
- At Google Chrome menu: More tools - Developer tools - select the "Security" tab - View certificate
- Check if aws is working
docker exec --user="nifi" -t noharm-nifi aws s3 ls
Check if service is working:
Check if database connection is working:
curl -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost/clean -d '{"TEXT" : "FISIOTERAPIA TRAUMATO - MANHÃ Henrique Dias, 38 anos. Exercícios metabólicos de extremidades inferiores. Realizo mobilização patelar e leve mobilização de flexão de joelho conforme liberado pelo Dr Marcelo Arocha. Oriento cuidados e posicionamentos."}'
docker stop <servicename>
docker rm <servicename>
docker image ls #pra pegar o id do container
docker image rm <id do container>
docker compose up -d --build <servicename>