This handler is to send metrics to an InfluxDB database with certain columns filled out. To use this handler I created the directory structure to use when downloading and what locations to use for each file.
- InfluxDB database has been created on the InfluxDB server
- Port is available for communication ("telnet/nc to port")
- The stats database is created on InfluxDB server
###### '/etc/sensu/handlers/metrics/influxdb-metrics.rb'
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'sensu-handler'
require 'influxdb'
class SensuToInfluxDB < Sensu::Handler
def filter; end
def handle
influxdb_server = settings['influxdb']['server']
influxdb_port = settings['influxdb']['port']
influxdb_user = settings['influxdb']['username']
influxdb_pass = settings['influxdb']['password']
influxdb_db = settings['influxdb']['database']
influxdb_data = influxdb_db, :host => influxdb_server,
:username => influxdb_user,
:password => influxdb_pass,
:port => influxdb_port,
:server => influxdb_server
mydata = []
@event['check']['output'].each_line do |metric|
m = metric.split
next unless m.count >= 3
key = m[0].split('.', 1)[0]
key.gsub!('.', '_')
value = m[1].to_f
mydata = {:host => @event['client']['name'], :value => value,
:ip => @event['client']['address']
influxdb_data.write_point(key, mydata)
"checks": {
"check_cpu_metrics": {
"type": "metric",
"command": "/etc/sensu/plugins/system/cpu-metrics.rb",
"interval": 30,
"subscribers": [ "test" ],
"handlers": [ "influxdb" ]
"influxdb" : {
"server" : "",
"port" : "8086",
"username" : "root",
"password" : "root",
"database" : "stats"
"handlers": {
"influxdb": {
"type" : "pipe",
"command" : "/etc/sensu/handlers/metrics/influxdb-metrics.rb"
Then restart sensu-server..and you should see a metric in the stats database as 'cpu_total_system'. To see the data run the following query on the stats database: select * from cpu_total_system
- Add checking for network connectivity failure.
- Add check to create database and datapoint.
- Figure out multiple passwords and databases
- Don't know what else to add to list, because still working on file will add new todo's when I get a chance.