This repository contains everything you need to set up a full kubernetes cluster for monitoring devices on your network as well as running a full secret store (hashicorp vault) which can be unsealed from kwallet, libsecret, keepass or bitwarden depending on your needs.
Once this repository is fully deployed you will have:
- Secrets
- Hashicorp Vault with Consul backend
- Monitoring
- InfluxDB
- Loki
- Grafana
In order to make all of this work, we will require some things to be installed bare-metal (VirtualBox, NGINX, Telegraf) and the aforementioned applications will be installed inside the cluster.
The repo contains grafana dashboards for:
- System performance
- Network performance?
- Internet Speed
- NVIDIA Graphics
- UPS monitoring
Telegraf configuration is provided for all standard collections as well as NUT for those with UPS systems to monitor.
Applications provided:
- speedtestw - collect metrics from
- bwvault - unlock Vault from Bitwarden, Keepass, KWallet or LibSecrets
- dashdown - a simple client to download dashboards from grafana and extract the flux queries to seperate files