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A find next plugin that (attempts to) understand code.

Not found

BetterFindNext is aims to be a smarter version of the built in find_next (super+d) command. It achieves this by allowing the user to customize what scope gets ignored.

Default Key bindings and Behavior

By default, the shortcut maps to alt+i and ignores adding strings or comments.

Ignore Options

The key binding accepts a list of scopes as it's excluded_scopes args. For Example, if you want to not include constant scope, you would define a mapping like so

    {"keys": ["ctrl+i"], "command": "better_find_next", "args": {"excluded_scopes": ["constant"]}},

In a very contrived example, this would produce behavior like this.

Not found


Requests can be submitted in the issues. Current plans are

  • Limit find to current function
  • Limit find to current indentation
  • Allow included_scopes option (inverse of the current implementation)


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