SkyLift is an experimental Wi-Fi/BT geolocation spoofing device that uses the ESP8266 or ESP32 boards to broadcast Wi-Fi beacon frames or BT advertisements that emulate the wireless infrastructure from a remote/target location. The above example shows a successful georelocation to Peter Thiel's vacation house in Hawaii from the DataPools project (2018).
Mobile devices (i.e. iOS and Android) rely on this information for core geolocation services when space-based GPS signals are weak, which often occurs in urban areas or basement-like spaces.
The project has been most successful when using multiple SkyLift devices in outdoor settings positioned similar to the real (target) routers, overwhelming the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure and confusing most mobile devices. It also worked well in crowded indoor environments where bodies (which are 2/3 water) absorb Wi-Fi energy because 2.4GHz is the resonant frequency of water molecules.
However, it's still unclear what the best settings are for the Wi-Fi packet structure, what other factors affect ability to override core geolocation services, and if mobile operating systems have integrated anti-spoofing technologies. Most likely success with this code will be limited in general settings, though the low cost of prototyping hardware and potentially significant results make it a worthwhile project to explore further.
- Download Arduino IDE
- Install boards in File > Preferences: Additional boards manager URLs
- board URLs,
- Select board:
- NodeMCU ESP32 is "ESP32 Dev Module"
- Set upload speed in Tools > Upload Speed to maximum 460800
Tested for Linux Ubuntu 20.04
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python develop
Usage: skylift [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--help Show this message and exit.
convert-scan Convert WiFi/BT network can to Networks JSON
create-sketch Creates new Arduino sketch from template
Convert WiFi/BT scan to networks JSON
skylift convert-scan -i path/to/scan.csv -o path/to/scan.json
Create Arduino sketch from template
skylift create-sketch -i path/to/scan.json -o path/to/scan-arduino/
Customize more parameters
skylift create-sketch
-i path/to/scan.json
-o path/to/scan-arduino/
--max-networks 12
--board esp32
- Ensure USB serial is allowed
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
- Ensure pyserial is installed
pip install pyserial --user
- add BLE adverts
- review and confirm WiFi packet structure
- add randomness to WiFi packets
- add Wigle API
- add emoji SSID support 🙃