- [Exis CLI Tool](#Exis CLI Tool)
- [Token Getter](#Token Getter)
Login with your Exis Developer Credentials to open a connection and than use riffle commands from cli
Usage: node exis_cli.js
Option Flags:
- -- help - Show help dialogue
- -e - Authenticate using environment variables EXIS_DOMAIN and EXIS_TOKEN.
- -p domain - Authenticate using previously stored domain profile.
- --script /path/to/file - Run a script of instructions from a file. Use // to denote comments.
- help - show help dialogue.
- help storage - show dialogue detailing storage API and options.
- help [command] - show detailed help dialogues for any specified commands.
- use -d domain - switch working domain.
- use -s domain -c collection - switch working domain to xsCollection API for Storage Appliance with domain. Note: The 'xs' variable is your current working domain or Appliance API
- xs.call('ep', ...args); - make a call using the cwd.
- xs.publish('channel', ...args) - make a publish using the cwd.
- xs.register('ep', func) - Must use keyword func register to recieve calls using the cwd.
- xs.unregister('ep') - unregister a call on the cwd.
- xs.subscribe('channel', func) - Must use keyword func subscribe to a channel using the cwd.
- xs.unsubscribe('channel') - unsubscribe from a channel using the cwd.
- clear | c - clear screen.
- save - save the current logged in token and domain as a profile to be used later for authentication with -p.
- logs - follow the logs for the current working domain.
- import -f /path/to/file -n name - Import a node module at path and store under name.
- script -f /path/to/file - Run a script of instructions from a file. Use // to denote comments.
- exit - exit CLI Tool.
Retrieve a token for a particular domain that you can use to join the fabric with. Tokens are good for 60 days.
Usage: node token_getter.js
Option Flags:
- -- help - Show help dialogue
- -e - Authenticate using environment variables EXIS_DOMAIN and EXIS_TOKEN.
- -p domain - Authenticate using previously stored domain profile.
- -d - Delete the token from the specified Auth Appliance.
- -l - List the tokens belonging to a domain from the specified Auth Appliance.
- -s - Save the token as a profile that you can use for later authentication with the -p flag.
- -f /path/to/file - Save the token to the specified file.